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* UNIT 15 READING I A Breeze at Hand, Part I Pre-reading Questions 1.What causes today’s reduced use of traditional fans? 2. Why does the author consider having no time to sit and fan oneself a big loss? 3. Where can one find elegant fans in New York City? 4. Which country is known as a big fan manufacturer? 5. What are other uses of the fan in addition to its cooling function? Pre-reading Questions 6. What did the earliest fans look like? 7. Who were supposed to be the earliest fan users? 8. Why did Japanese generals use fans in war? 9. What is meant by “a ‘nod ’of one’s fan”? Spelling Refreshment perspire lace smoulder provender winnow chaff palm Assyrian toss wreck whirl whisk breeze frame Derivation Perspire-perspiration Decorate- decorator Inspire- inspiration Talk-talkative Scene : (infml) means an area of the stated activity There have been several changes on the business scene. Dominate the political scene What’s new on the film scene? Any new films ? Home Home: the place where sth. was originally discovered, made or developed. America is the home of baseball. 美国是棒球的发源地。 Smart : neat and stylish in appearance 漂亮,时髦 All the pretty women wear their smartest dresses. She bought a smart new outfit to wear to the wedding. A smart tie and a dirty collar don’t go well together. The house looks quite smart. A smart suit /car / restaurant a smart new shirt Smart Someone who is smart is pleasantly neat and clean in appearance. The boys looked smart in their school uniforms. You are smart this morning. Is that a new suit? She looks smart in her new dress . frame frame: v. to surround with a solid protecting edge; put a border round. I’m having this picture framed , so that I can hand it on the wall. Language Points reading Perspire: V. euph for sweat The first thing he noticed was that he was perspiring. When you perspire, drops of sweat form on yo


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