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PAGE PAGE 4 毕 业 设 计 中 文 摘 要 摘 要 在智能手机普及的这几年中,人们也对于家电系统的智能化有了更多的要求,现在市面上的很多家电都具有了智能控制功能。智能家电控制已经可以算作当前比较流行的物联网的一个组成部分,在国内和国外正经历着飞速发展的时期。中国各大厂商都在积极布局这一领域,争取在未来的物联网领域取得领先位置。在智能家电控制中,有着不同的控制方式。比如可以通过手机进行远程控制操作,有些可以通过定时器给家电预设一个时间执行动作。甚至有些产品可以根据其他传感器传递出来的值进行智能调节。 本次项目将研究一款远程操控家庭中常用家电的设备,在硬件方面,通过查阅资料,学习STM32芯片和WiFi模块的相关知识,了解它们的使用方法和相关硬件连接方法。在软件方面,学习C语言编程和可以进行远程控制的机智云平台,掌握软件编程和软件调试方法。最后通过软硬件联合调试,完成实物成品并撰写相关论文。 本项目最终将制作出可以在手机上远程操控家庭中家电开启和闭合的设备,通过此次设计,将证明了此设计硬件连接和软件调试的正确性,也验证了机智云平台作为中间服务器的能力,说明了使用单片机与WiFi模块相结合的方式可以制作出一款优秀的远程控制设备。 关键词: 智能家电 家电控制 远程控制 STM32 毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要 Abstract In the years of the popularity of smart phones, people also have more requirements for the intelligence of home appliance system. Now many home appliances in the market have intelligent control functions. Smart home appliance control can be regarded as a component of the current popular Internet of things, which is experiencing a period of rapid development at home and abroad. China's major manufacturers are actively laying out this field and striving for a leading position in the future Internet of things. In the control of intelligent home appliances, there are different control methods. For example, the remote control operation can be carried out through the mobile phone, and some appliances can be preset a time to execute actions by the timer. There are even products that can be intelligently adjusted based on the values transmitted by other sensors. This project will study a device for remote control of common household appliances. In terms of hardware, we will learn the knowledge of STM32 chip and WiFi module by consulting relevant materials, and learn their usage methods and related hardware connection methods. In terms of software, I learned C language programming and intelligent cloud platform that can be controlled remotely, and mastered software programming and software debugging methods. At last, through the joint debugging of software and hardware, I finished the finished product


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