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弗里达.卡萝 (1907—1954年) 1953年,卡萝首度在故乡墨西哥举行个人作品展,几个月后,她过世了,享年仅47岁。开展当天,所有的人都以为健康状况极度恶化的卡萝不会出席,但在最后一刻,墨西哥市现代美术艺廊的大门戏剧化地开了,一辆救护车驶达,卡萝身着自己喜爱的墨西哥服装,被人用担架抬到已安置在艺廊内的四柱床上,两百多位友人及仰慕者逐一向卡萝致敬,陪同卡萝合唱墨西哥民谣直到午夜。 1907年生于墨西哥,6岁得小儿麻痹症。 18岁不幸出车祸 在这场车祸中电车扶手刺穿卡萝的骨盆,腰椎有三处断裂,锁骨及第三、四根助骨断裂,右腿11处骨折,右脚则被压得碎烂,左肩脱臼,骨盆有三处受损。车祸后到卡萝去世的29年间,她至少动了32次手术。 1922年进入墨西哥最好的学校---国立大学预科中学。 1928年,年仅21岁的卡萝认识了41岁的狄亚哥。 1929年同狄亚哥结婚。 1939年离婚。 1940年复婚。 1953年病情恶化,接受右腿截肢手术。 1954年死于肺部栓塞。 与猴子的自画像 两个芙烈达 毁坏的圆柱 自画像 自画像 How did the Kite get its name“FengZheng”? 宋代-做为锻练身体的功能,百姓在清明节时,将风筝放的高而远,然后将线割断,让风筝带走一年所积之霉气. In Asia, there are special competitions where kites have complex designs and are fitted with instruments that make musical sounds as the wind blows through them. Although all kites have a similar structure (结构), they are widely different in size and shape. Kite-fighting competitions are also held, in which competitors use their kites to attack and bring down their opponents’(对手) kites or cut their strings(线). [,k?mpiti??n] n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛 [kait] n. 风筝 [k?mpleks] adj. 复杂的;合成的 [bl?u] nv.. 吹;打击;殴打 [k?mpetit?] n. 竞争者,对手 [?t?k] n. 攻击;抨击vt. 攻击;抨击; For more than 15 years, the Big Wind Kite Factory has been giving kite-making and kite flying classes for the children on an island in Hawaii. In its kite-making lessons, students can make kites in as little as 20 minutes! Children as young as four years old can learn how to fly a kite. Jonathan Socher and his wife Daphne started the kite factory in 1980. their kites are made of nylon(尼龙).Their designs are Hawaiian themes created by Daphne. The designs are cut out of the nylon with a hot knife that seals the edges and then fastened directly onto the kite. [h?waii:] n. 夏威夷 [θi:m] n. 主题;主旋律;题目 [krieit] vt. 创造,创作;造成 [si:l] n. 密封,海豹;封条; vt. 密封;盖章 [ed?] n. 边缘; vt. 使锐;给…加上边 [fɑ:s?n, f?-] vt. 使固定;集中于;扎牢;强加于 The kite that is used to give lessons is regular diamond kite with a rainbow pattern. The difference between this kite a


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