一种 Buck-Boost 型多路恒流输出 LED 驱动电源.pdfVIP

一种 Buck-Boost 型多路恒流输出 LED 驱动电源.pdf

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中国电源学会第二十一届学术年会论文集 一种Buck-Boost 型多路恒流输出LED 驱动电源 黄健,罗全明,马坤,周雒维 (重庆大学电气工程学院,重庆市 沙坪坝区 400044 ) A Buck-Boost Type LED Driver With Multiple Constant Current Outputs HUANG Jian, LUO Quan-ming, MA Kun, ZHOU Luo-wei (College of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, Shapingba District 400044, Chongqing, China) ABSTRACT: In order to obtain sufficient luminance and to 进行相关实验验证,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性。 achieve high reliability, LEDs are usually arranged in LED 关键词:多路恒流输出;Buck-Boost ;LED 驱动电源 strings in many high power lighting applications, such as street lamp lighting, tunnel lighting, landscape lighting, etc. 1 引言 Moreover, the current imbalance should be avoided among 大功率 LED 作为第四代电光源,拥有“绿色照 these LED strings. A buck-boost type LED driver with multiple 明光源”之称,具有体积小、寿命长、光效高、安 constant current outputs is proposed in this paper, which is composed of one buck-type input cell and multiple boost-type 全、节能、环保等优良特性,必将取代传统照明灯 output cells. Moreover, the number of the boost-type output 具而成为 21 世纪的新一代光源[1-3] 。 cells is equal to that of the LED strings. Since all the power 在街道照明、隧道照明、景观照明等大功率 switches are switched on and off with the same frequency and LED 照明领域,受到封装、热处理及成本等限制, duty ratio, only one current controller is needed to realize 需要采用多颗 LED 串联、并联或者串并联结构, multiple constant current outputs. The steady state operating [4] 。大功率LED 驱动通常 以满足光输出总量的要求 modes of the LED driver are analyzed in detail and its ac small



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