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有机产品认证收费管理细则 版本:7/0 COFCC-GL-07 Rules of Administrative Charge on Organic Product Certification Version :7/0 COFCC-GL-07E 有机产品认证收费管理细则 Rules of Administrative Charge on Organic Product Certification 中绿华夏有机食品认证中心 China Organic Food Certification Center 地址:北京市海淀区学院南路59 号 邮编:100081 Address:No.59XueyuanSouthRoad,HaidianDistrict,Beijing Postcode: 100081 官网: E-mail :cofcc@126.com Official Website: E-mail :cofcc@126.com 有机产品认证收费管理细则 版本:7/0 COFCC-GL-07 Rules of Administrative Charge on Organic Product Certification Version :7/0 COFCC-GL-07E 1. 总则 1. General Principles 1.1 为了规范有机产品认证,规范认证收费行为,维护认证双方的合 法权益,促进有机产品认证工作的健康有序发展,特制订本细则。 1.1 The rules are hereby compiled to standardize organic food certification and certification charge, safeguard legitimate rights of both parties for certification, and promote healthy and orderly development of organic food certification. 1.2 本细则确定的收费项目依据国家发展计划委员会和国家质量技 术监督局《关于印发产品质量认证收费管理办法和收费标准的通知》 [计价格(1999)1610 号]的规定并参照国际惯例制定。 1.2 The charging items of the rules are formulated in accordance with Notice on Issuing Management Methods and Standards of Product Quality Certification Charge [JJG (1999) No.1610] made by the National Development Planning Commission and the National Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision as well as international conventions. 1.3 本细则适用于中绿华夏有机食品认证中心( 以下简称 COFCC)开 展的认证业务收费。 1.3 The rules apply to certification charge launched by China Organic Food Certification Center (here in after referred to as COFCC). 2.收费原则与用途 2. Charging Principles and Purposes 2.1 COFCC 本着不以盈利为目的的原则。 1 有机产品认证收费管理细则 版本:7/0 COFCC-GL-07 Rul


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