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精品 PAGE 精品 南京信息职业技术学院 毕业论文 作者 学号 系部 通信学院 专业 移动通信技术 题目 企业IP语音通信系统设计 指导教师 评阅教师 完成时间: 2012年5月20日 毕业论文中文摘要 题 目:企业IP语音通信系统设计 摘 要:IP语音通信(IP Telephony)是新一代技术,它正改变着企业的通信方式,同时也重塑着它们的业务格局。通过语音和数据网络的融合,IP语音通信使所有类型的通信业务(包括音频、视频和数据以及无线和有线语音业务)都可以在一套IP(互联网协议)网络上传输。因此,用户可以增强移动性并提高工作效率,因为他们可以通 过多种工具获得更全面的特性和功能,这些工具包括电话、PC机、个人数字助理(PDA)和移动电话。此外,企业还可以不断接受各种新的商业通信应用。 IP语音通信是实现新一代通信网络过程中迈出的一大步,因为它可以消除不同系统、软件和服务间的界限,为在企业内部以及企业与客户之间实现更加灵活、有效的通信打开了一扇大门。 关键词:IP语音通信 业务 企业 通信 毕业论文外文摘要 Title : Enterprise IP design of a voice communication system Abstract: IP voice communications ( IP Telephony ) is a new generation of technology, its changing the way of communication and reshape their business arrangements. Through the voice and data network integration and ip voice communication to all types of business ( Including audio, video and data and wireless and cable voice business ) is a network IP ( Internet Protocols ) on transport.Therefore, users can move up and improve efficiency, because they can lead to a tool for more comprehensive features and functions of these tools, including telephone and pc, personal digital assistant (PDA) and mobile phone. In addition, enterprises can also continue to accept all kinds of new business applications communication. IP voice communications is to achieve new generation communication networks a major step in the process , because it can eliminate various systems , software and services , as in the limits between enterprises within and between the enterprises and their clients to achieve more flexible , Effective communications opened a door to door . keywords: IP voice communications business Enterprise communications 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 22820 第一章 引言 1 10028 第二章 IP网络电话的关键技术 2 109


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