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. . 四年级第一单元重点句型和词汇 班级 姓名 学号 能听懂,会认读,能运用。 P3 : 你为什么如此高兴?Why are you so happy? 因为我们回到了学校。Because we are back at school. 你为什么如此生气?Why are you so angry? 因为房间太乱了Because the room is messy. 他为什么如此劳累?Why is he so tired? 因为他玩的太过头了。Because he played too hard. P5 你为什么看上去如此沮丧?Why do you look so sad? 因为我的狗丢了。Because my dog is missing. 你为什么看上去如此惊奇?Why do you look so surprised? 因为金子丢了。Because the gold is missing. 他们为什么如此兴奋?Why do they look so excited? 因为他们要去动物园。Because they will go to the zoo. P7 你为什么不高兴?Why are you upset? 因为我的手表丢了。 Because my new watch is missing. 你为什么着急?Why are you worried? 因为我的英语书丢了。Because my English book is missing. 你为什么不高兴?Why are you sad ? 因为我的新足球丢了。Because my new football is missing. 四年级第二单元重点句型和词汇 班级 姓名 学号 能听懂,会认读,能运用。 P11: Mike在家吗?我是洋洋。May I speak to Mike? This is Yangyang. 说吧。Speaking. Mike在家吗?我是洋洋。May I speak to Mike? This is Yangyang. 等一会儿。Mike,你的电话。Please hold on. Mike, its for you. P13 果果在家吗?Is Guoguo there? 对不起,她不在家。Sorry, she is not home. 果果在家吗?Is Guoguo there? 对不起,她不在这里。Sorry, she is not here. P15 王老师在家吗? Is Miss Wang home? 我是王平。 This is WangPing. 王老师在那儿吗? Is Miss Wang there? 请说,你是谁?Speaking. Whos calling, please? 四年级第三单元重点句型和词汇 班级 姓名 学号 能听懂,会认读,能运用。 P19: 你能为我拿着这些书吗?Would you please hold these books for me? 没问题。No problem. 你能关上窗吗?Would you please close the window? 没问题。No problem. 你能关上灯吗?Would you please turn off the light ? 没问题。No problem. 你能递给我水吗?Would you please pass me the water? 没问题。No problem. P21 你介意打开门吗?Would you mind opening the door, please? 当然,没问题。Sure. No problem. 你介意关上收音机吗?Would you mind turning off the radio, please? 当然,没问题。Sure. No problem. 你介意开灯吗?Would you mind turning on the light, please? 当然,没问题。Sure. No problem. P23 我能借你的乒乓球拍吗?Can I borrow your ping-pong bat? 可以,当然可以。 Yes, of course. 蜡笔crayons(复数)剪子scissors(单数)马克笔markers(复数) 尺子ruler转笔刀pencil sharpener 四年级第五单元重点句型和词汇 班级 姓名 学号 能听懂,会认读,能运用。 P35 你想要哪一种?Which kind would you like? 这种看上去不错。This one looks nice. 你想要什么形状?Which shape would you like


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