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. . POLICY PROCEDURE 政策与程序 Subject 主题: “Hostage Taking” Emergency Procedure “人质劫持”紧急处理程序 No.: ICCQ/ENG/0000 Prepared By 政策制定人 Hotel general manager for approval 酒店总经理批准 Effective Date 执行日期 LewisLiu 刘平 On 28 July 2011 2011年7月28日 About Hostage Taking: 关于人质劫持事件 Hostage taking refers to the action of kidnapping, abducting or unlawful detention of hotel guests, local restaurant guests and/or staff within the hotel. 人质劫持事件是指在酒店内劫持,绑架,非法拘禁酒店客人,用餐的客人,或者员工的非法行为。 Kidnapping, abducting or unlawful detention refers to the act of detaining someone for the sake of extortion of monetary values or other advantages by the use of violence, intimidation or the use of drugs (anaesthesia). 劫持,绑架,非法拘禁等行为是指为攫取金钱或其他利益而对他人利用暴力    ,胁迫或者施用毒品来拘禁它人的行为。 Emergency actions will be undertaken when this hostage taking situation occurs within the hotel premises. 当绑架人质发生在酒店内发生时,就必须立刻采取营救行动。 The culprit(s) will abduct hostages with weapons of many kinds including guns, bombs and/or knives. 犯罪嫌疑人可能利用枪支,弹药或者匕首来威胁人质。 Improper rescue actions may result in the culprit(s) killing the hostages indiscriminately. 不妥当的营救行动将导致犯罪嫌疑人杀害人质。 The culprit(s) during a hostage taking standoff are usually highly nervous, in very unstable mood and/or easily irritable. So be very careful and calm when negotiating with them. 犯罪嫌疑人在实施绑架的过程中通常是精神高度紧张,情绪不稳定并且易被激怒,所以应该小心镇定地与他们进行谈判。 Handling a Hostage Taking situation: 绑架人质事件的处理: As hostage taking situation usually happens suddenly, there is no time to set up a command centre to deal with it explicitly. Therefore, wherever a hostage taking situation takes place inside the hotel, the CCTV room at extension “6855” will act as Command Centre. 由于绑架人质事件通常是突然发生的,我们没有时间设立一个指挥中心来明确的指导,因此在酒店内无论何时发生这种情况,监控室“6855”将作为 指挥中心。 Standing instructions should be issued that under the situation of a hostage taking situation, the General Manager at extension “ ” is the Commander-in-Chief and when a hostage taking situation occurs, he should proceed to the Command Centre an


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