2019届牛津译林版九年级英语上册学案设计:unit 6 Reading(Ⅱ).docx

2019届牛津译林版九年级英语上册学案设计:unit 6 Reading(Ⅱ).docx

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年级:九 学科: 英语 分课时:8-3 总课时: 42 课题:9A Unit 6 Reading(Ⅱ) 课型: 新授课 学习目标:★1、进一步认识和掌握与电视节目相关的词汇、词组。 ★2、分析语言点并能正确运用解题 学习过程: 1. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with up-to-date information.这是一个省略句,相当于(Here is) a weekly round-up of ... up-to-date”为形容词, 如:我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。 All our information is_____________ on the computer. 2. There are a number of interviews with famous players. A report on the coming World Cup will also be included. “a number of”相当于some,后面跟可数名词的复数形式, the number of意是 , 其后动词应为 形式。 如:①一些年轻人对时尚很感兴趣。___ _____ _____ young people_____ very interested in fashion. ②亚洲虎的数量越来越少了。____ _____ ______ the Asian tiger _____ getting ______ ________ .“coming”为形容词,译为 如:沙尘暴似乎就要来了。 It looks as if a sandstorm_____ _____ . 3. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live this Saturday.译为 句中的live是副词,读作/la?v/,意思是 。“cover” 作为动词,译为 , “cover”也能作为名词,_________;也能作为动词, ,常见的短语为“be covered with......”,译为 。 如: (1)这场篮球比赛现场直播。 The basketball game is broadcast__________. (2)这个事件将在电视上现场直播。 This event _______ ________ ________ _______ on TV. (3)地面被白雪所覆盖 。The floor _______ ________ __________ white snow. 4. Murder in a Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy Clark, a new director. “direct”为动词, ,句中的directed by...是过去分词作定语,修饰 , 过去分词作定语含有被动意思。 如:(1)这部电影是由史蒂文 · 斯皮尔伯格导演的。 The movie _________ __________ by Steven Spielberg. (2)请妥善保管从图书馆借的书。 Please take good care of the books __________ ___________ the library. 5. In the film, a wealthy doctor is found dead in his house. 点拨;“be found dead”意为“被发现死了”,dead为形容词,修饰前面的a wealthy doctor。其名词为_________,其动词为_________ 现在分词为_________. 如:一个八岁的小孩昨晚在家被发现丢了。 An eight-year-old child _______ ________ __________ at home last night. 6. This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers


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