英文版中国标准 TBT 2433-1993.doc

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Railway Professional Standards of the People’s Republic of China TB/T 2433-93 Application Test Method for Air Conditioning Unit of Railway Passenger Car 1 Subject content and applicable scope This standard specifies conditions, test contents and test method etc. of application test for air conditioning unit of railway passenger cars. This standard applies to testing for air conditioning system of railway passenger car after loading, and it also can be referred to air conditioning system of special railway passenger car. 2 Test conditions 2.1 The vehicle to be tested and its interior equipment should be in normal working state. The vehicle should be full loaded and with sunshine during testing. During testing, the outside air temperature is 35±2°C and the relative humidity is 60%±5%. In special cases, it can exceed the upper limit value, but the dry-bulb temperature should not be less than the lower limit value. 2.3 Application test should be carried out according to the normal running speed on line. Generally, its running time is required to be longer than five hours (from 12 o’clock to 17 o’clock). 2.4 In the application test, air parameters only measured under the condition that outside air parameters are continuously consistent with the requirements of 2.2 for more than 2 hours can be valid. 3 Test contents The test is carried out according to stationary and running states of the vehicle. When the vehicle is running, it is carried out according to air conditioner unit placed in manual test level and automatic level. 3.1 When the vehicle is static, the rate of temperature reduction for empty vehicle and gentle breeze velocity in the vehicle is determined. 3.2 When the vehicle is running and the air conditioner unit is placed in manual test level, the following parameters should be determined: a. Outside air temperature and relative humidity; b. Air temperature and relative humidity inside the vehicle; c. Input power and current of air conditioner unit; d. Volume


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