英文版中国标准 TBT 3139-2006.doc

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ICS 45.060.01 S 30 TB Railway Professional Standards of the People’s Republic of China TB/T 3139—2006 Decorating materials and indoor air limit of harmful substance for rolling stock Issued on Nov. 29th, 2006 Implemented on May 1st, 2007 Issued by Ministry of Railways of the People’s Republic of China TB/T 3139—2006 Contents Preface II 1 Scope i 2 Normative references 1 3 Limit of harmful substance, test methods and inspection rules of the decorating materials 1 3.1 Structural material 1 3.2 Decorating materials 1 3.3 Adhesive 2 3.4 Paint 2 3.5 Rubber and plastic products 3 3.6 Textile 4 3.7 Carpet 4 4 The limit and test methods of formaldehyde and total VOC in indoor air 4 Appendix A (Normative) Conversion of ppm and mg/m3 of formaldehyde at different temperatures 7 I TB/T 3139—2006 Preface Appendix A of this standard is normative. This standard is proposed by and under the centralized management of Research Institute of Standards and Measurement, Ministry of Railways. Drafting units of this standard: Metals and Chemistry Research Institute of Academy of Railway Sciences, Research Institute of Standards and Measurement of Ministry of Railways and Research Institute of CNR Sifang Rolling Stock. This standard is mainly drafted by: Wu Shaoli, Cheng Danren, Cui Dongfang, Zhang Xianqing, Yu Quanlei. II TB/T 3139—2006 Decorating Materials and Indoor Air Limit of Harmful Substance for Rolling Stock 1 Scope This standard specifies the limit of harmful substance, test methods and inspection rules of the decorating materials in passenger compartments and cabs for railway rolling stock. It also specifies the limit of harmful substance and test methods in the air inside passenger compartments and cabs. This standard is applicable for the decorating materials and indoor air limit and inspection of harmful substance in passenger compartments and cabs for railway rolling stock with max. operating speed below 200 km/h. 2 Normative references The following normative document


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