心灵捕手(Good Will Hunting)中英对白剧本.pdf

心灵捕手(Good Will Hunting)中英对白剧本.pdf

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1--Mod f-x-square d-x.对FX 的平方取余 结果是DX 2--So please finish Percival for next time.下次上课前请做完 3--I know many of you had this as undergraduates but it wont hurt to brush up.大学时虽已学过 但复 习无妨 4--Thank you Steven.谢谢 史蒂芬 5--I also put an advanced Fourier system on the main hallway chalkboard.走廊黑板上有高级傅立叶算式 6--Im hoping that one of you might prove it by the end of the semester.希望学期结束前有人会解 7--Now the person to do so will not only be in my good graces...解出来的人不只有好成绩 8--but also go on to fame and fortune by having their accomplishment recorded and their name printed.还 可因此纪录名利双收 9--in the auspicious M.I.T. Tech.留名麻省理工学院 10--Former winners include Nobel laureates Fields medal winners...之前解答包括诺贝尔得主 菲尔德 奖章得主 11--renowned astrophysicists...天文物理学家 12--and lowly M.I.T. professors.还有卑贱的麻省理工教授 13--Well thats all. If you have any questions...就这样 如果有问题 14--Im sure that Tom has the answers.我相信汤姆会解答 15--Hi Will.威尔 16--Kirsten how you doing?你好吗? 17--Im all right. How are you?很好 你呢? 18--Good.好 19--I didnt get on Cathy last night.我昨晚没上凯西 20No? -No.-没有? -没有 21--Why not?为什么? 22--I dont know. Cathy!不知道 凯西! 23--What?干嘛? 24--Why didnt you give me none of that nasty little hoochie-woochie...为什么不让我爽 25you usually throw at me? -Oh fuck you...-就像平时那样? -去你的 26--and your Irish curse Chuckie.还有你的爱尔兰脏话 27--Like Id waste my energy spreading my legs for that Tootsie Roll dick?我才不要为了小老二张开腿 28--Go home and give it a tug yourself. 回家自己打手枪去吧 29--Tootsie Roll!小老二! 30--T-Toots!小老二! 31--Shes missin a tooth Will.她少一颗牙 32--Shes got skin problems. I dont...她皮肤也有问题 33--Plus its like 5-to-2 Morgan ends up marryin her you know what I mean?况且到头来摩根八成会娶她 34--Theres only so many times you can bang your friends future wife. Its wrong.朋友的准老婆只能上几 次 35--Where you goin?你去哪? 36--Im gonna take off.我要走了 37--Fuck you youre takin off. Its like what 10:00?我操 才十点就要走? 38--No Im tired.我累了 39--Irish curse?爱尔兰脏话? 40--She dont know. There aint no Irish curse.你懂什么? 41--Out! Stop pressuring me back.别老故意



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