弱点(The Blind Side)中英对白剧本.pdf

弱点(The Blind Side)中英对白剧本.pdf

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1--LEIGH ANNE: Theres a moment of orderly silence before a football play begins.在球赛开始前, 总会历经一段严肃的宁静 2--Players are in position, linemen are frozen, and anything is possible.球员各就各位,前锋屏息 以待 什么事都可能发生 3--ANNOUNCER (ON TV): Almost lndian-summer weather here in mid-November. 明明是十一月 中旬却热得有如炙夏 4--(WHISTLE BLOWS)华盛顿特区 现场报导 5--LEIGH ANNE: Then, like a traffic accident, stuff begins to randomly collide.然后,像是交通意外 一般 身体开始随机碰撞 6--From the snap of the ball to the snap of the first bone...从开球到开放性骨折 7--...is closer to four seconds than five.只花不到五秒的时间 8--ANNOUNCER: First and 10. Riggins, flea flicker back to Theismann.第一档进攻还差10 码 雷 吉,跳蚤式进攻传回泰斯曼 9--Theismanns in a lot of trouble.泰斯曼的麻烦大了! 10--(TAPE REWINDING) 11--LEIGH ANNE: One Mississippi. Joe Theismann, the Redskins quarterback...一秒钟, 由乔泰斯 曼 红人队的四分卫 12--...takes the snap and hands off to his running back.开球,传给他的跑卫 13--ANNOUNCER: First and 10. Riggins--第一档进攻,还差十码,雷吉 14--LEIGH ANNE: Two Mississippi.两秒钟 15--lts a trick play, a flea flicker...这是个陷阱,是跳蚤式进攻„ 16--...and the running back tosses the ball back to the quarterback.跑卫将球抛传回四分卫手中 17--ANNOUNCER: Flea flicker back to Theismann. 以跳蚤式进攻回传至泰斯曼手中 18--LEIGH ANNE: Three Mississippi.三秒钟 19--Up to now, the plays been defined by what the quarterback sees.到现在为止,赛局全在四分 卫的 视线范围掌控下 20--lts about to be defined by what he doesnt.但很快地 他的盲点将会改写赛况 21--Four Mississippi.四秒钟 22--Lawrence Taylor is the best defensive player in the NFL...罗伦斯泰勒是职业美式足球联盟中 最优秀的防卫球员 23--...and has been from the time he stepped onto the field as a rookie.从他踏上球场的第一天 到现在始终如一 24--ANNOUNCER: Theismanns in a lot of trouble.泰斯曼的麻烦大了! 25--And it was Lawrence Taylor...是罗伦斯泰勒„ 26--...who slammed Theismann to the ground at the 42-yard line. The blitz was on将泰斯曼压 制在42 码线 闪电突击即将开始 27--LEIGH ANNE: He will also change the game of football as we know it.他将会彻夜颠覆 我们 对美式足球的认知 28--ANNOUNCER: Well look at it with the reverse angle one more time.我们现在从另一个角度 重播刚才的画面 29--And l suggest if your stomach is weak,



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