布达佩斯大饭店(The Grand Budapest Hotel)中英对白剧本.pdf

布达佩斯大饭店(The Grand Budapest Hotel)中英对白剧本.pdf

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1--It is an extremely common mistake,有种极其寻常的错误, 2--people think the writers imagination is always at work,那就是,人们认为作家的想象力是台永动机, 3--that hes constantly inventing an endless supply 他永远可以供应 4--of incidents and episodes,事件和篇章, 5--that he simply dreams up his stories out of thin air.他能简简单单,凭空编出故事来。 6--In point of fact, the opposite is true.事实正相反。 7--Once the public knows youre a writer,一旦公众知道你是作家, 8--they bring the characters and events to you 他们就把角色和事件带给你 9--and as long as you maintain your ability to look 只要你擦亮双眼 10--and to carefully listen,并仔细聆听, 11--these stories will continue to...那些故事会继续... 12--Stop it. Stop it! Dont! Dont do it!住手!住手!别!别这样! 13--Will continue to seek you out over your lifetime.会继续追寻你一生。 14--To him who has often told the tales of others,对于这样一位总是讲述他人故事的人来说, 15--many tales will be told.也有许多关于他的故事可讲。 16 Sorry. - Its all right.- 对不起。 - 没事 17--The incidents that follow were described to me 接下来我要在这讲述的事件 18--exactly as I present them here 和我听来时完全一样 19--and in a wholly unexpected way.不过表达的方式将完全出人意料。 20--A number of years ago,数年前, 21--while suffering from a mild case of Scribes Fever,轻微的“写作热”正折磨着我, 22--a form of neurasthenia common among the intelligentsia of that time,那是种当时知识分子常患的精 神衰弱症, 23--I decided to spend the month of August 于是我决定将八月 24--in the spa town of Nebelsbad below the Alpine Sudetenwaltz,花在苏丹特瓦茨山下,那不勒堡的温泉 镇里, 25--and had taken up rooms in the Grand Budapest,并在布达佩斯大饭店住下, 26--a picturesque, elaborate, and once widely celebrated establishment.住在那座如画般壮观、一度广为 人知的建筑里。 27--I expect some of you will know it.我想你们之中有人会知道。 28--It was off season and, by that time, decidedly out of fashion,时值淡季,大饭店又过了时, 29--and it had already begun its descent 已经开始衰落, 30--into shabbiness and eventual demolition.不断破败,直至损毁。 31--What few guests we were 我们寥寥数位客人, 32--had quickly come to recognize one another by sight 一眼就能认出对方 33--as the only living souls residing in the vast establishment,是在这宽广住所内居住的仅剩的生灵, 34--although I do not believe any



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