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Reading and Writing 2 Read and fill. 读下列介绍,填写相应的国家名称。 It has the largest national economy in Europe. Beer is a major part of its culture, so each year several famous beer festivals are held there. Germany 它的国民经济在欧洲排名第一。啤酒是它文化的重要组成部分。所以每年一些著名的啤酒节都是在那里举行的。 : Reading and Writing 2 Read and fill. 读下列介绍,填写相应的国家名称。 It is a North American country. It’s the world’s second largest country by total area. Its national symbol is a maple leaf, and its largest city is Toronto. Canada : 它是北美的一个国家,是世界上土地面积第二大国家。国家的象征是枫树叶。它最大的城市是多伦多。 Reading and Writing 2 Read and fill. 读下列介绍,填写相应的国家名称。 The fairy tale is an important part of its culture. Its best-known author of fairy tales is Hans Christian Andersen. It is the home of the sculpture of the “Little Mermaid” . Denmark : 童话是这个国家文化的重要组成部分。最著名的童话作家是汉斯?克里斯琴?安徒生。它是“小美人鱼”雕塑的家乡。 Reading and Writing 2 Read and fill. 读下列介绍,填写相应的国家名称。 It is the world’s largest country by total area. Moscow is its capital. The Red Square is a very famous tourist attraction in Moscow. Russia : 它是世界上国土面积最大的国家。它的首都是莫斯科。红场是莫斯科非常著名的旅游胜地。 3 Find and describe. 简述一个你感兴趣的国家。 Reading and Writing 4 Read and learn. 读关于荷兰的介绍。 The Netherlands is famous for its windmills. There are about 1,500 windmills all over the country. Eight of them are located in Amsterdam—capital of the country. The Netherlands has a moderate climate, with cool summer and mild winter, so there’re flowers all year round there. Many tourists visit the country just to see the brightly coloured tulips—another symbol of the country. The Netherlands is also famous for its artists. Vincent van Gogh is the best known of them. One of his famous paintings is Sunflowers. 参考译文 Reading and Writing 荷兰以它的风车而闻名于世。全国大概有1,500架风车。其中八架风车坐落在首都阿姆斯特丹。荷兰的气候温和。夏天凉爽冬天温暖。所以那里全年鲜花盛开。很多到荷兰的游客就是为了看鲜艳的郁金香——这是荷兰的第二个标志。荷兰也以它的艺术家盛名。凡?高就是最著名的一位。他的著名画作之一是“向日葵”。 Vincent van Gogh:凡·高,荷兰著名画家,其代表作品有《向日葵》、《星夜》等。 Reading and Writing 5 Read again and fill. 再读上文,填写下表。 The Netherl



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