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选择喜欢的方式小组内读课文,注意语音语调哦! Read in roles.(分角色读) Read after one. (跟一个学生读) Read together.(齐读) … Reading time (P68-P69页) 出版社: Try our best to protect the Earth! 你好,同学们! 为保护地球一起努力吧! Come on! Boys and girls! Be a member of our group, 请成为我们组织的一员, To be green, protect the earth! 关注朋友圈, 多参与活动哦! 1 返回 Green Group 朋友圈 本月Green Group将走进港闸区各个小学开设迷你讲坛,为小朋友进行节约资源,保护地球的宣传。志愿者们,行动起来,好好准备你们的演讲稿吧! Miss Wang: Ok! 鹤涛小学,实验小学 1分钟前 Water?is?u________.?We?can’t?live?without?water.? We?drink?water?and?use?water?to?clean?things?every?day.? In?many?p________,?there?is?not?m_______?water.? We?should?not?w_______?water.? We?should?r________?and?s_______?it.? In?this?way,?our?Earth?will?be?beautiful?and?clean. Energy?is?u________.?M_______?o___?the?energy?comes?from ?c_______?and?o______ .?There?is?not?much?coal?or?oil?on?Earth.? We?should?s_______?energy.? We?should?not?drive?so?much?because?cars?use?a?lot?of?energy.? In?this?way,?our?Earth?will?be?beautiful?and?clean. Trees are u________. W_______ comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many o______ things. We should not c______ d________ too many trees because trees help keep the air c________. In this way, our Earth will be beautiful and clean. Plastic is u_________. We use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too m_______ plastic is b______ for the Earth. We should not use too m________ plastic bags or bottles. We should use p________ bags and g________ bottles. In this way, our Earth will be beautiful and clean. 选择一个主题,着手准备演讲稿吧! 1、打开信封,里面有 今日主播内容。 2、两人一组,练习播报。 1、打开信封,里面有 今日主播内容。 2、两人一组,练习播报。 为地球添一抹绿意,为世界添一份美丽 1. 听录音,跟读课文3遍,完成P70练习. 2. 上网查找更多保护地球的方法,并且从自身做起. Homework Thank You. 小组交流。 小组交流。 PPT上出四个图,黑板上写四个标题 * PPT上出四个图,黑板上写四个标题 * Unit 7 Protect the Earth Story time Wang Jiawen Hetao Primary School the Earth coal oil … energy 能源 What’s wrong with the earth? What’s wrong with the earth? Protect the Earth Let’s think What should we do? Watch and find ? ? ? ? How to protect the


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