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循序渐进5S与目视工场 Progressive 5S Visual Workplace 议程 Agenda 循序渐进5S概略 Progressive 5S Overview 5S的层次与实施 5S Levels Implementation 5S评审练习 5S Audit Exercise 5S维持:良好的沟通与标准化工作 Sustaining 5S: Establishing communication and standard work 何谓 5S? What Is 5S? 创造和维持一个秩序井然、整洁干净、表现优异的工作场所之过程和方法 A process and method for creating and maintaining an organized, clean, high-performance workplace 改善之必要条件与严明纪律 A conditioning discipline for kaizen 为何要实施 5S? Why Implement 5S? 经典的 5S The Classic 5S 步骤1: 筛选 - 分离及丢弃 Step 1: Seiri – Segregate Discard 步骤2: 分类 - 排序及识别 Step 2: Seiton – Arrange Identify 步骤3: 清扫 - 清扫及日检 Step 3: Seiso – Clean Inspect Daily 步骤4: 保持 - 经常重访 Step 4: Seiketsu – Revisit Frequently 步骤5: 自律 - 主动保持 Step 5: Shitsuke – Motivate To Sustain 5S的实质 The Essence of 5S 第一个层次 - 筛选 (工场) Level 1 – Sort (Shopfloor) 第一个层次 - 筛选 (办公室) Level 1 – Sort (Office Area) 贴红标签 : 有益提示 Red Tagging: Helpful Hints 培训所有学员,学会5S原理,掌握贴标程序 Train all participants in proper 5S rationale Red tag procedures 使用红标签登记表跟踪物品处置 Use a Red Tag Log to track item disposition 同一物品,不要重贴 Don’t put multiple tags on any one item 下述物品, 适当贴标: 装饰物品、家庭字画、观赏植物、工作人员。 Be reasonable about decorative items, family pictures, plants, people, etc. 若有改善方案,物品照样可贴 Items can be tagged if improvements are known or suggested 必须注意,拿开物品可能会引起情绪问题(收音机、杂志、食品、饮料等) Be mindful that removing items can be emotional (radios, magazines, food, beverages, etc.) 红标签举例 Red Tag Examples 5S表现板 5S Performance Board 第二各层次:放置 Level 2 : Set 第二各层次:放置 (办公室) Level 2 – Set (Office Area) 在书籍装订边对角线地贴上纸条是识别档案是否放错地方或遗失的最简单方法。 Diagonal stripes on book bindings is an easy way to see if something is out of place or missing 请注意书架上方还贴有看板卡。 Notice kanban cards inserted in paper stacks on top of shelf 实施 “放置 ” Implementing: Set 筛选:有益提示 Set: Helpful Hints 举例:地面标记颜色代号 Examples: Floor Marking Color Codes 第三个层次:维持 Level 3: Sustain 实施“维持” Implementing: Sustain 制定工作标准,用标准化操作 Develop standard operations and work standards 每天进行评审,确保维


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