应用型大学英语综合教程4第三版unit 8Fashion and Design.ppt

应用型大学英语综合教程4第三版unit 8Fashion and Design.ppt

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Part 5  After You Read Directions: Complete each of the sentences below with the proper word in the box, and change the form where necessary. Reading Comprehension 5. She felt an ____________ desire to tell someone about what had happened. 6. I don’t _______ any difficulties so long as we keep within budget. 7. The famous designer creates clothes with both _______ and Western influences. 8. The growth of a city often _________ the value of land close to it. overwhelming refine quotation oriental foresee enhance periodic distinguish overwhelming foresee Oriental enhances Part 5  After You Read Reading Skills Making Inferences   Inference is a conclusion or judgment you make from information available to you. Making an inference is known as reading between the lines. Sometimes readings contain suggestions rather than direct statements. When this happens, you have to guess, or make an inference about the message or purpose of the reading.   Making inferences means that choosing the most likely explanation from the facts at hand. You make an inference when you use clues from the story to figure out something that the author doesn’t tell you directly. Part 5  After You Read Reading Skills 推理判断   推理判断是英语阅读中经常使用的一种阅读技巧。有时候文章中并没有现成的结论供读者分享,如果读者要了解作者意图、观点、倾向、态度和文章的主旨等,就需要根据一个或几个已知的判断前提,如上下文内容、逻辑关系、因果关系、人物事件、行为动机、措辞修饰等得出一个未知的结论。   进行正确的推理判断,首先要在理解整体语篇内容的前提下,仔细观察句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系,根据文中提供的背景和事实,分析、推理、判断、归纳,透过文字表面,体会文章的深层含义,了解和把握作者的目的、意图、观点、思想,并得出正确的结论。 Part 5  After You Read Writing About It Task A Original Writing Practice Directions: Complete the following paragraphs by filling in the blanks.   I like traditional Chinese clothes very much. For one thing, _____________________________________. For another, ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________. Paragraph One they reflect the Chinese culture in themselves [Give one reason.] the Han Chinese look more elegant in them. Last but not least, they are becoming more and


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