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Obedience is obligatory on a soldier. 服从命令是军人的天职。 All metals tend to be ductile. 所有金属都有延展性。 Exercise It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the president’s reasons for willing to begin a Chinese-American dialogue. 这篇发言清楚明白、心平气和地说明了总统希望开始中美对话的原因。 It’s common for boys at this age to get a little argumentative, restless and moody. 男孩在这个年纪多会变得喜欢顶嘴、没有定性,容易生气。 我深信学生将更有创造性,更愿意和大人合作。 I firmly believe that the students would be more creative and more cooperative with adults. 我喜欢读这份报纸,因为它信息量大,娱乐性强、具有很强的可读性。 I like reading the newspaper, for it is informative, entertaining and really readable. 我第一次离开家这么长时间,所以有些想家了。 It is the first time for me to be away from home so long, so I am homesick now. 最近我总是想起童年的事情,也许是有些怀旧了。 I always think of my childhood these days. Maybe I’m a little bit nostalgic. 考前我对自己很有信心,但现在我说不准自己是否考得很好。 Before the exam, I was confident of myself. But now I’m not sure whether I did well in the exam. 那所学校的学生合作得很好,所以我们很快就完成了问卷. The students in that school were very cooperative, so we finished the questionnaire very soon. 尽管我同情你,但我的确不能够帮助你. Although I am sympathetic with you, I really can’t help you. 孩子比成人更容易表露感情,这是很自然的. It’s natural that children are more demonstrative than adults. 校方很支持我们的计划. The school authority is very supportive of our plan. 不要总是批评别人的工作. Don’t always be critical of others’ work all the time. 一种文化及其语言就像大脑与身体一样不可分割. A culture and its language are as inseparable as brain and body. 她的话无足轻重,不要太往心里去. What she said is dismissible, so don’t take it to heart. 我向你保证, 这桩买卖对我们大家都有利. I can assure you that the deal is profitable to us all. 如果我们继续破坏环境,那么在过50年地球将不适合居住了 If we go on destroying the environment, then the earth will be uninhabitable 50 years later. 在边远地区,人们根本无法利用现代化的交通工具. Modern means of transportation is unavailable to the people in remote areas. 那项规则不适用于我们这种情况. That rule is not applicable to our case. 如果我们常接触英语,就会自然而然地学会这门语言。 If we are frequently exposed to English, we’ll master it naturally. 我的导师要求很高,对我的工作总是很挑剔。 My tutor is


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