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我自己的托福语法真题小结 我自己的托福语法真题小结对于托福,我是从一个菜 鸟起步的,得益于众多网友的帮助。对于和我一样正在为 托福奋斗的朋友们,我share 一下我的真题语法笔记,希 望也尽自己的一点微薄之力。祝大家美梦成真! 1. ()ElijahMccoy , sinventionofthelubricatingcupintheearlyl870 , smachineryhadtobestoppedinordertob elubricated . AbeforeB ? whenC? whil eD. lately *selectA.空格后是名词性短语,不是句子,故用介词 而非连词。只有beforeisp rep. 2. The irkeensense sofhearinga ndsmellhave madesometyp esofdogs() i nhuntingand trackingand assecurityg uards? o fthevalueB. asvaluableC ? arevaluedD ? valuable * Answer isD, makesth+adj isf ixed ? 3 ? SherwoodAn derson, snov elMcPherson sSon, (), f i rstappeared inl916? A. arestlessyo ungranwhost rivesforbet terthingsis concerned? isconcer nedwithares tlessyoungm anwhostrive sforbettert hings? C? c oncernedwit harestlessy oungmanwhos trivesforbe tterthings, *Answeris C.句子主谓完整,在主谓间用两个逗号隔开 的只能是同位语或后置定语,C为分词短语作后置定语;A 为名词性短语,但前面是书名非人名。 4?another后接单数n. other可接复数n. Once ateacherofF re更多资源请浏览3e du英语角 nchand Spanish, the writerMayar emainingstr onglycommit tedtothegoa lsofforeign languageedu cation? iswrong. Cha nge “ remaini ng ” to “ remai ned” , remain是半系动词。 one ofthe+最高级+名词复数 Eg. One ofthelarges tgroupsofbu tterflies? variousc ulture #6 1664; variou scultures. ManyEngl ish ()wereop posedtotheA mericanRevo lutionof177 6 nbsp;mov edtoCanada, wheretheywe reknownasUn itedEmpireL oyalists? A. settlingt hereB? theys ettled w howeresettl ersD? settle rswho *Ans werisD.谓语V是moved,句子缺主语,且主语后接 从名是有谓语而缺主语及连接词,应在答案中选择名词+从 句连接词形式。即D causesths btodo” isfix ed? thelea st/most+分词/形容词/副词 thefirst+名词 + (e ver) todo 1 0. Thescienc eofhorticul ture, () thep rimaryconce rnsaremaxim umyieldands uperiorqual ity, utilize sinformatio nderivedfro motherscien ces? A. and whichB. inwh ichC? whichi sD. which *AnswerisB.空格后的从句主谓语俱全,所缺连接词并 不更多资源请浏览3edu英语角兼做从句主语、宾语或定语, 应是作状语或与介词构成短语作状语,应选择副词或介词+ 代词的形式,答案中无副词,故选Bo要点:当空格后的从 句主、谓、宾俱全时,选择连接词时应首先考虑介词+ which的形式。 Dreaming isadistinct andnecessar ypartofslee ping, usuall yitcharacte rizedbytheo ccurrenceof rapideyemov ement? .下一页 g t;gt; 我自己的托福语法真题小结


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