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The Glass House Mountains in Queensland, Australia, were sighted in 1770 by the English navigator Captain James Cook, bv whom they were named suDDOsedly because its sheer wet rocks glistened like glass. by whom they were named supposedly because its by whom they were named supposedly and their naming them supposedly since their who so named them supposedly because their who so named it since supposedly their 考点:主动vs被动 Og解释: To avoid a wordy and confusing series of passive clauses, the relative clause explaining what James Cook did should be an active-voice construction (who so named rather than by whom they were named). The possessive pronoun referring to the Glass House Mountains should be plural {their rather than its), to agree with the plural an tecedent. 主动VS被动:没有绝对的语法规则,不能绝对的说主动比被动好。语义为王,要理淸句子中逻辑关 系。注意og解释:这里被动不好主要是为了避免confusing series of passive clauses,逗号后与 主句关系是解释进一步阐明主句屮捉到的James Cook具体做了什么,而非与前一句并列。主句用被 动,从句也用被动,形式上一致,会产生语义上并列的歧义。用主动形式将两个句了形式上区分,两 句从属关系变得明朗。 被动语态应该被瞥代为主动语态的情况:unnecessarily indirect and wordy。 A; By whom they were supposedly n amed is a passive con structi on that is unn ecessarily in direct and wordy, especially immediately following another passive constructioru The singular its does not agree w让h the plural antecedent the Glass House Mountains. B: By whom同a , and没有表达出原文想表达的因果关系。 C: As the object of a preposition and not the subject of the clause, James Cook does not work as the noun that the verbal phrase beginning with naming can describe; the preposition since loses the important causal logic of the sentence. 即:逗号Ving形式的逻辑主语是主句主语。 D: correcto这里两个复数形式代词指代明确,全文只出现一个复数名词,them, their皆指代此名次。 E: it指代上文复数形式,应为them。 Although a surge jn retail sales have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally under way, many economists say that without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last. have raised hopes that there is a recovery fin ally raised hopes for there being a recovery fin ally had raised hopes for a recovery fin ally being


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