知行英语综教程1 Unit8.ppt

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* * What do those of us who aren’t beautiful do? We can comfort ourselves with the fact that beauty is relative. Although beauty may get our attention, our opinions can change in a matter of moments. I remember seeing an actor in a movie and thinking him very handsome. But when I saw him being interviewed on television some months later, and heard him say that his only interest in life was playing cards, suddenly he wasn’t handsome at all. I’ve watched this work the other way too, when a not-very attractive stranger opened his mouth to speak and suddenly became handsome. I’ve found that beauty on the inside can be much more attractive than beauty on the outside. I’ve also learned that beauty is only skin deep and that often while good looks may attract one’s attention, a true sense of a person’s beauty comes out in stages. As Shakespeare wrote: “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.” relative a. 相对的 interview v. 采访 attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意 stage n. 阶段;时期 Shakespeare 莎士比亚(1564–1616, 英国剧作家、诗人) 记得曾经看过一部电影中的男演员,我一直认为他非常英俊。但是几个月后,当我看见他在电视上接受采访,说打牌是他生活中唯一的乐趣时,突然间,他变得一点也不帅了。 那么我们这些其貌不扬的人该怎么办呢?让我们欣慰的一个事实是,美是相对的。美貌固然夺人眼球,但我们的看法也可能转瞬即变。 同样,我也曾看到相反的例子。一个人原本相貌平平,但他一开口,不凡的谈吐顿时就倾倒了众人。我发现内在的美比外在的美更受人欢迎。我还发现外在美只是表面现象,美丽的外貌虽引人注目,但人真正的美是在人生不同阶段体现出来的。正如莎士比亚所说:“爱情不用眼睛辨别,而用心灵判断。” Task 1 Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 People tend to consider attractive people to be more interesting, honest and successful. 2 Pretty babies are treated better just by strangers, while their parents treat them quite fairly. 4 Drawings show that Romans painted their lips blue-black, their cheeks red and their fingers red. 3 As for men, their appearance is more important than their height. 5 Once you consider a person handsome, you will not change your opinion. T F F F F Task 2 Answer the following questions according to the text. ? What’s the meaning of the saying “Beauty is only skin d


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