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许多行业发展缓慢 Growth is slowing down in many industries 竞争加剧 Competition is increasing 价格战 Price wars 储蓄率增长和需求疲软 Increasing savings rate and slack demand 公司发展战略必须包括客户关系:忠诚度和保持力 Company growth strategies must include customer relationships - loyalty and retention! 一方面,客户关系被视为当期费用,另一方面,其回报难以衡量计算 Returns are difficult to measure, while CRM is accounted a current expense 中间商缺乏工具和动力去共享数据访问 Intermediaries lack means or incentives to share access to data 零散的渠道所有权增加了实施的困难和成本 Fragmented channel ownership increases implementation difficulties and cost 在价格比较敏感的市场里市场营销对公司的作用不能很快的反映出来。 Companies slow to appreciate the value of marketing in price-sensitive markets 客户数据的整合 – 客户从其自身及渠道出发的单一观点(看法) Integration of customer data - single view of the customer across the company and its channels 支持客户分类, 宣传计划, 产品计划和市场分析的分析法 Analytics that support customer segmentation, campaign planning, product planning, and market analysis 通信交流和推广的量身定制 Customization of communications and promotions 一种策略… 不仅仅是一种技术 A strategy… not only a technology 非最美的 Not the most beautiful casinos 非最有名 Not the best known 但通过 CRM, 哈拉的赌场已挤身于最挣钱和成长率最快的赌 场之列 But through CRM, Harrah’s is among the most profitable and fastest-growing 知道重要客户在他们包间里需要什么礼物 Knowing what special gifts a valued customer wants in their room 香摈或一盒巧克力? Is it champagne, or a box of chocolates? 知道客户喜好哪些种类的刺激 Knowing what kinds of incentives the customer likes 现金,一顿免费饭等等… Cash, a free meal, etc… 知道客户准备消费的量,及什么会促使他消费得更多 Knowing how much the customer is going to spend, and what will encourage the customer to spend more 找回客户: 再销售和交叉销售 Bring the customer back: re-selling and cross-selling 哈拉 1998-1999: 从光顾多个赌场的客户那儿挣来的收入跃增33% Harrah’s 1998-1999: revenue from customers visiting more than one casino jumped 33% 个性化服务和基于客户购买及服务历史的推销 Personalized service and promotions based on customer purchase and service history 如果在四月度假,那么哈拉会在二月给你寄来促销信(物). If you t


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