奥黛丽赫本简介;Audrey Hepburn.ppt

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Audrey Hepburn ——An True Angel in the world Hepburn is one of the most great actress In the 20th century. She was born in Brussels in 1938.During her childhood, Hepburn suffered Nazi occupation in Holland. She was always hungry and malnourished, as her family was bankrupted as a result of the invasion. After World War II, she and her mother moved to London as poor immigrants. Audrey used to learnt ballet and then started her modeling career at a young age,and then she was spotted by a produce,she began to devoted herself to the movie industry. She is so gorgeous and talented that she won an Oscar for Roman Holiday. In Tiffany's breakfast, she wore the Givenchy dress and a necklace of Tiffany's, and this movie not only left the classic screen image, but also determined her unshakable status in fashion. Becoming famous never changed Audrey's generous and compassionate characteristics. She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNICEF (the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) Ambassador of Goodwill serving victims in war-torn countries. From 1988 to 1993,she severed as the UN goodwill ambassador, giving her precious help to the children in need. Her love and her kind personality as bright as her movies, shining in the world. Thank You♥


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