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Task 9 Responding to Sole Agency Applications 在仔细回顾了我们之间的业务关系及你方促销我方产品的业绩之后, 我方决定委托你方为我们在你们国家的独家代理。 4) We have approved your proposal as our agent.Please go over the attached draft agreement and let us have your comments by turn. 我们已经同意你方作为我们代理商的提议。 请仔细看一下附件中的协议草稿, 并将你们的意见回馈给我们。 4.Refusal to Application for Agency (拒绝代理申请) 1) We appreciate your suggestion that you sell our products on an exclusive basis, but we think it premature for us to enter into agency agreement at the present stage. 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 9 Responding to Sole Agency Applications 非常感谢你方独家销售我方产品的建议, 但我们认为在现阶段签订代理协议尚为时过早。 2) Weve noted your request to act as our agent in your country, but we feel it would be better to defer discussion of it. 我们注意到你方要求成为我们在你们国家的代理, 但我们觉得推迟讨论此事为宜。 3) The total amount of your order last year was moderate, which does not warrant an agency appointment. 去年你们订单的总金额并不高, 还达不到任命代理的要求。 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 9 Responding to Sole Agency Applications 4) After serious consideration, we think that it would be premature to commit ourselves at the stage when the record of transactions shows only a volume of business. 认真考虑之后, 我们认为, 在目前成交的贸易额还不大, 如我们作出此决定尚为时过早。 5) Please do not misinterpret the above remark, which in no way implies dissatisfaction. 请别误解, 上述说法绝不表示我们有什么不满的地方。 6) As a matter of fact, we are quite satisfied with the amount of business you have brought us. 事实上, 你们为我们所带来的生意量颇使我们满意。 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 9 Responding to Sole Agency Applications 7) We appreciate your proposal, but we have already appointed ABC Company as our agent in your city. 非常感激你们的提议, 但我们已经任命 ABC 公司为我们在你们城市的代理了。 Part Ⅴ: Practical Email Writings Sample 1: Declining Request for Sole Agency 拒绝独家代理请求 To: Albert From: Kelly Subject: Sole Agency for Computers 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 9 Responding to Sole Agency Applications Dear Albert, Thank you for your email, requesting to be our sole agent dealing in our computers in Belgium. In reply, we would like to inform you that it is rather difficult for us to consider your sugg



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