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Task 4 Replying to Emails Regarding Business Contacts Notes: 1.email n.电子邮件 vt.发邮件 I received an email inquiry this morning, requesting me to make an offer for 500 metric tons of rice, CIF Singapore. 今天早晨, 我接到一封电子邮件询盘, 要我报 500 公吨 ① 大米, 新加坡到岸价。 Please email the documents to me. 请把那些文件以电子邮件的形式发给我。 2.as prep.作为, 以身份 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 4 Replying to Emails Regarding Business Contacts 3.exporter n.出口商 同类词: importer 进口商 manufacturer 生产商 4.be willing to do sth.乐意做某事 We are willing to enter into direct trade relations with you on the basis of mutual benefit. 我方乐意在互利的基础上与你方建立直接的业务关系。 5.regret n.遗憾, 惋惜 vt.& vi.感到后悔, 感到遗憾 常见句型: 1) regret to do sth.后悔/遗憾做某事 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 4 Replying to Emails Regarding Business Contacts We regret to find that the price you quoted is on the high side. 你方所报价格偏高, 我方感到很遗憾。 2) regret doing sth.后悔/遗憾做过某事 We regret being unable to entertain your counter offer. 很抱歉, 我方无法接受你方的还盘。 3) regret that . . . 遗憾 We regret that we shall have to cancel the order due to the late delivery. 由于供货推迟, 我方不得不取消订单, 对此我们感到很遗憾。 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 4 Replying to Emails Regarding Business Contacts 4) regret sth.遗憾 We regret our inability to comply with your request. 我方无法满足你方需求, 非常遗憾。 6.be in a position to do sth.能够做某事 We are not in a position to accept new orders because we have already been heavily committed. 由于当前承约量很大, 无法接受新订单。 7.supply sb.with sth.为某人提供某物 We will try our best to supply you with any information you need. 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 4 Replying to Emails Regarding Business Contacts 我们将竭尽所能为你方提供所需信息。 8.represent vt.代表 9.at your end 你地, 你处 10.advise vt.劝告, 告知, 通知 We would advise you to accept our offer without delay to take advantage of the advancing market. 我方建议贵方立即接受报盘以便赶上销售旺季。 Please advise us of the shipment date the soonest possible. 烦请尽快告知装运日期。 上一页 下一页 返回 Task 4 Replying to Emails Regarding Business Contacts 11.get in touch with sb.与某人取得联系 12.item n.商品, 物品 The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing. 展览会上最贵重的物品是毕加索的一幅素描。 13.make sb.an off



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