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来自课本的声音 ?Go for it!? PAGE 7 选修八 U1 A land of diversity California is the ______(three) largest state in the USA but has the ______ (large) population. California also has the distinction of being the most _________ (multiculture) state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world. 加州与众不同之处在于它也是美国最具多元文化的一个州,它吸引了来自世界各地的人们。 Exactly when the first people arrived in ____ we now know as California , no one really knows.最早一批人具体是什么时候来到我们现在称之为加利福尼亚的地区的,谁也说不清楚。 However, it is likely ____ native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.然而,很可能至少在15000年前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亚了。 Scientists believe that these ______ (settle) crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by _______ (mean) of a land bridge ______ existed in prehistoric times. 科学家们认为这些迁居者通过一条史前时代曾经存在的大陆桥穿越北极的白令海峡到达美洲。 Two centuries _____(late), the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of _____ we now call the United States. 两个世纪以后,西班牙人定居在大部分南美和沿西北海岸的我们现在所称的美国。 Of the first Spanish _______(go) to California, the majority were religious men, _____ ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives. 在第一批来到加利福尼亚的西班牙人中大多数是来向土著人传授天主教教义的传道士。在首批移居加利福尼亚的西班牙人中, 大部分是传教士, 他们的职责是向当地人传授天主教。 In 1846 the United States declared war _____ Mexico. That is why today over 40% of _________ (California) speak Spanish as a first ____ second language. Although Chinese immigrants ________ (begin) to arrive during the Gold Rush Period,it was the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast ______ brought even ______ (large) numbers to California in the 1860s. 虽然中国移民在淘金热时期就开始到来了, 但是更多却是在19世纪60 年代为了修建贯穿美国东西海岸的铁路而来的。 The industry boom attracted Europeans ________ (include) many Jewish people.该行业的繁荣吸引了包括许多犹太人的欧洲人。 It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great _____ there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but ______ (simple) a mixture of many races and cult


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