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To teach: To help students to learn about a subject by explaining or showing them how to do it. To instruct sb so that they know about something or know how to do it. To make sb feel or think or act in a different way. Desire ----- Require Positive ----- Active Quantity ---- Quality Plan your work And work your plan 悟道教育教学 听 ---- listen 懂 ---- understand 会 ---- grasp 熟 ---- skillful 通 ---- master 悟道教育教学 悟道教育教学 喜欢 “西游记” ---- 悟(enlighten) 悟空 ---- 境界 悟净 ---- 态度 悟能 ---- 目标 玄奘 ---- 追求 玄 ---- 提要钩玄(mystic) 奘 ---- 壮大强大(strong) 预祝2021届高考取得辉煌成绩! THANKS! 让交流更畅通!QQ:1152261557 * 第二步:快读,重在流畅,目光注意3-5个词。有了第一步慢读,学生对目标内容有所了解,对段落中出现的句式有所领悟,对其中的习惯用法和结构有所认识。因此在这一步中,学生便可以根据句子成分扩大意群,相对加快速度。如: The climate of the British Isles is mild with a lot of rain. In general, Scotland is colder throughout the year, and receives more rain. It rains a lot in England and Wales too, but the temperatures are more pleasant. In the summer months the difference in temperature between London and the north can be as much as nine degrees! The coldest months are January and February, while the warmest months are July and August. 第三步:最快读,训练英语语言反应能力,目光注意5-8个词。有了前两步的积累,学生对此段内容的各个方面基本掌握。在此基础上,要求他们以自己最快的速度朗读应该是没有问题的。不过,要指导他们调匀气息,有准备地一口气读完几个短句或一个长句,以增强他们的语言反应能力如: The climate of the British Isles is mild with a lot of rain. In general, Scotland is colder throughout the year, and receives more rain. It rains a lot in England and Wales too, but the temperatures are more pleasant. In the summer months the difference in temperature between London and the north can be as much as nine degrees! The coldest months are January and February, while the warmest months are July and August. (75words/12 seconds) 实际上,这一步不是读,而是在“说”。学生在这一步中既依据原文,却又不依赖原文。要求学生扫视一句话后,迅速抬起头来,面对假想的听众把刚刚摄入的信息说出来,与此同时,迅速低头看下面的内容,抬头不间断地说出所看到的内容。如此反复直到结束。 第四步:Look-speak 现象1:随着学生的成长,举手回答问题的越来越少。 小学 初中 高中 现象2:随着学生的成长,朗读的声音越来越小? 小学 初中 高中 原因分析: 学生被老师以参考答案为由打断太多,于是学生不愿给自己更多走向自卑的机会。 学生被老师以正确发音为由中断太多,于是学生不愿给别人更多嘲笑



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