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Biochip technique Gene chip: consists of an arrayed series of thousands of microscopic spots of DNA oligonucleotides, called features, each containing picomoles (10?12 moles) of a specific DNA sequence, known as probes. Protein chip: provides a multiplex approach to identify protein–protein interactions, to identify the substrates of protein kinases, to identify transcription factor protein-activation. Tissue array: consist of paraffin blocks, separate tissue cores are assembled in array fashion to allow multiplex histological analysis. \ Molecular imaging Application of imaging methods, on the living condition of the biological process of cellular and molecular level of qualitative and quantitative research. This image from the non-specific changes to specific imaging for disease biology, disease, early detection, characterization, assessment and treatment have brought a major impact. Molecular imaging application Optical in vivo imaging Radionuclide imaging Image analysis The extraction of meaningful information from images; mainly from digital images by means of digital image processing techniques. Image analysis tasks can be as simple as reading bar coded tags or as sophisticated as identifying a person from their face. Thanks Technology and methodology of pathology research Technology and methodology of pathology research animal experiment tissue and cell culture electron microscopy histochemistry and immunohistochemistry in situ hybridization,ISH polymerase chain reaction,PCR microdissection Technology and methodology of pathology research Laser scanning confocal microscopy,LSCM Flow cytometry,FCM Comparative genomic hybrzation,CGH Biochip technique Molecular imaging Image analysis Electron Microscopy Transmission electron microscope,TEM Scanning electron microscopy, SEM Ultrastructural pathology Freeze-etching technology 1.Preparation of specimens for electron microscopy? ① The tissues are fresh,and specimens dissection are correct ② Double tis


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