商务英语阅读第二版叶国兴Unit-2 个人.pptx

商务英语阅读第二版叶国兴Unit-2 个人.pptx

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Unit 2;Background Information;可以说,阿里巴巴是中国优秀企业的代表,同样让中国人引以为傲的还有中国的制造业。目前,中国已是全球首屈一指的制造业大国,占全球制造业附加值的近1/4。虽然有些工厂处境窘迫,劳动成本上升,部分就业岗位亦在回流美欧。宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的研究发现,中国仍是许多行业的领军者,“向发达经济体的回流规模并不大”。中国仍是“亚洲工厂”的核心所在。令人振奋的是,2015年出台的耗资巨大的计划《中国制造2025》将通过行政指令,补贴和其他措施帮助制造商升级,意在令中国到2025年成为一个绿色发展和创新驱动的“世界制造业强国”。在《中国制造2025》的指引下,政府会鼓励企业使用机器人,3D打印及其他先进技术,但是至于每个制造商如何,何时更新技术和设备,步调应该是不一致的,因为他们还必须考虑先进技术能否创造相应的商业价值。;Warming-up questions;How much do you know about Chinese online giant Alibaba? Can you list all the industries Alibaba has branches out into?;;Have you ever heard about the great scheme “Made in China 2025”?Do you think China still plays a pivotal role in world manufacturing sector?;;;What was Jack ma confident in?(para.1);the current priority of his firm (para.3);reasons and ways to develop e-commerce(paras.4-5);(1)With economic growth cooling in China’s big cities, the firm is making a big push to develop e-commerce among rural consumers. (Para. 4);(2)Studies show people outside its big cities are ready to spend a higher share of their incomes on online shopping, and Alibaba aims to tap into their desires. (Para. 4);Sentence Translation;read and try to find the reason for the appearing of Cainiao and its advantage;Forms of O2O (para.7);read and find (para.7);(3)Now, Alibaba is investing in bricks and mortar too, to keep pace with its rivals. (Para. 7);(4)One of its competitors, JD, has taken an “asset heavy” approach to e-commerce akin to Amazon’s in America. (Para. 7);What is para.8 about? (para.8);How does Alibaba develop its cloud computing? (para.9);Cloud Computing (para.9);Aliyun;3. Alibaba is also ploughing ahead with cloud computing. Its business, Aliyun, is China’s largest cloud provider. (para.9) 阿里巴巴也正在云计算领域奋力前行。它旗下的企业阿里云就是中国最??的云服务供应者。 注释:云计算是一种新型的商业计算模型。它将计算任务分布在大量计算机构成的资源池上,使各种应用系统能够根据需要获取计算力,存储空间和各种软件服务。 ;What is the biggest future prize for Mr Ma? (para.10); Ant Financial (para.10) ;(5) Perhaps the most intriguing look into Alibaba’s future involves a deal struck in J


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