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Lesson 75-76 Uncomfortable shoes 教学目标 : 1. 复习比较一般现在时和一般过去时 2. 过去时间状语补充 ago 3. 初步认识主系表结构和宾语从句 重点单词 : 不规则动词过去式补充 : Buy-bought have-had wear-wore 名词 : fashion 形容词 : uncomfortable un- 否定前缀 重点短语 : A month ago last month last year The year before last be in fashion Be out of fashion 课堂流程 : Class one: 一 . warm-up: 1. 口语/ 短语练习 2. 不规则动词过去式复习抢答 二 . words and expressions 板书单词 : ago fashion uncomfortable have- had buy –bought wear –wore a pair of two pairs of 练习单词拼写 : 1. 单词拆分法 un-com-for-table 2. 音节划分法 fa-shion 练习单词发音 : 1. 快速中英文互译 2. 隐形炸弹 三 . Text 1. 口语归纳 What size? What color? Do you have any… like this/these? We don’t have any. I ’m afraid that I can’t. Can you get a pair for me, please? 2.重点句 : Do you have any shoes like these? Did she buy them here?(一般疑问句比较 ) But my sister bought this pair last month. We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don’t have any now. They were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they are not in fashion this year.(Be动词比较 ) 3. 课文操练 分角色读课文 听跟读 , 听复述 四. Closure Ask and answer Class two: 1. 检测 L73-74 的单词 ,短语 ,句子 ,语法点 2. 处理 L76 课练习题 3. 处理 L73-74 课课练 4. 再次回顾总结当天所学知识点 5. 布置作业 单词 :五英一汉 课文 :一英一汉 ,背诵 磁带 :听 3 跟 3 课课练 :L75-76 纠错 :L73-74 课课练



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