导游英语情景口语Item 14-3 导游还是导购.ppt

导游英语情景口语Item 14-3 导游还是导购.ppt

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Model 3: A Tour Guide or a Shopping Guide 导游还是导购 Warm-up: Work in pairs. If you are a guide, when you are guiding your guests at a shop, what will you say to them? Discuss with your partner. Words and Phrases unbelievable adj. 难以置信的 kickback n. 佣金,回扣 scenic n. 景色优美的 spot n. 地点,现场 terrible adj. 糟糕的 responsibility n. 责任 play an important role 扮演重要角色 hold belief 持有信念 Useful Expressions 1. There are some indeed, but not all. 确实有一些,但不是全部。 2. The other important reason may be that by showing tourists around the stores a lot, the guide can kill a lot of time and save large amount of energy than by guiding them in a scenic spots. 另一个重要的原因是带领游客逛商店会消磨很多时间并节省导游大量的精力。 3. It killed a lot of time and money of the tourists. 这浪费了游客很多的时间和金钱。 4. But not all the guides act like this. 但不是所有的导游都这样。 5. I always believe that it is our tour guide’s responsibility to show beautiful sceneries as well as warm and kind service to our guests. 我一直认为导游的职责是向游客展示美丽的风景和提供热情友好的服务。 Listen and Answer 1. What’s happened to today’s tour guide according to the tourist? Today’s tour guide prefers to guide their tourists to stores than to scenic spots. 2. What lead to the situation? The kickback. 3. What about the other reason? The other important reason may be that by showing tourists around the stores a lot, the guide can kill a lot of time and save large amount of energy than by guiding them in a scenic spots. 4. What’s the tour escort’s opinion on this reason? It killed a lot of time and money of the tourists. 5. What’s the responsibility of a tour guide according to the tour escort in the text? To show beautiful sceneries as well as warm and kind service to our guests. Role-play Situation A: You are an English tour guide who is explaining to a tourist about the responsibility of a tour guide. Tourist: Gives impression of today’s tour guide. Shows


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