导游英语情景口语Item 16-1 再见,中国.ppt

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Item 16 Farewell, China 再见,中国 Fortune favors the brave. 命运之神眷顾勇者。 Model 1: See You Again Soon 再见 Warm-up: Work in pairs. Think about the following two topics and discuss with your partners. 1.Suppose you are an English tour guide now, how would you bid farewell to your guests? What would you say to them? 2.Do you think bidding farewell is of equal importance to the greetings? Why? Words and Phrases coach n. 旅游大巴车 accompany v. 陪同 sincerely adv. 真诚地 unforgettable adj. 令人难忘的 comment n. 评论 tour group 旅游团 more or less 或多或少 say goodbye (to) 向某人告别 all the way 全程 on behalf of… 代表…… sweet sorrow 喜忧参半 give sb. a big hand 喝彩 Useful Expressions 1. Your current visit to Shanghai is drawing to a close. 大家的这次上海之行即将结束。 2. It is a good banquet that does not end. 天下没有不散的宴席。 3. I hope you have enjoyed all your stay. 希望你们在这里过得愉快。 4. Bon voyage! 一路平安! 5. Could you fill out this form of evaluation for me? 您能帮我填写一下评估表吗? 6. I’d like to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your efforts and excellent services. 对于你们所付出的努力和所提供的优质服务,我们表示忠心的感谢。 Listen and Answer 1. What should a tour guide do before the tour group leaves the hotel? The tour guide should ask the bellman to collect together the baggage, check the amount of the baggage, and help the tourists to check out. 2. What does the tour guide do after the guests get on the coach? The tour guide should say goodbye to the tourists and give a farewell speech. 3. How does the tour guide say goodbye to the guest? The tour guide concludes the whole journey and thanks the tourists for their cooperation. 4. What does the old Chinese saying “It is a good banquet that does not end” mean? It means “天下无不散之宴席”. 5.


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