高中英语记叙文写作 经典教学课件.ppt

高中英语记叙文写作 经典教学课件.ppt

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You are the best! Class Six! ——Vincent Lu 高中英语记叙文写作 陕西省府谷中学 高三英语组 英路 印世 单词拼写 1. We were (野餐) when it began to rain heavily. 2. (突然),he lost his balance and had a fall. 3. We brought with us bananas, cakes, biscuits and some (瓶)of water. 4. Do remember: (安全) is the first. 5. Li Hai, a lovely and (幽默的) boy, sang a song for us. picnicking Suddenly bottles safety humorous humourous picnic-picnicking-picnicked 单词拼写 6. After that, they were determined to (保护) our homeland, the earth. 7. Our (班长) suggested we have a meeting to discuss it. 8. It is reported that the river has been (污染). 9. She tried to (提醒) us not to throw rubbish anywhere. 10. We can breathe (新鲜的) air and enjoy ourselves. protect monitor polluted remind fresh 写作任务 假定你是李华。下面的图画描述了你们班上周末组织的一次野餐活动,请根据写作要点并参考图画内容,为校刊“英语角”版面写一篇短文。 写作要点: 1.前期计划; 2.具体内容; 3.你的感想。 写作任务 注意: 1.短文词数不少于100; 2.开头部分已写好,不计入总词数; 3.可根据情况增减细节,详略得当; 4.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。 Last Sunday, we had a picnic in a mountain near our school. Spring is coming. let’s have a picnic. What can we eat? What are they cooking, fish or pork? Who is telling a story? I can’t help dancing and singing. Playing cards is also our pleasure. Oh, they are taking photos. Come on! Who will be the winner? 2012年中秋过后三亚3公里海滩遍布50吨垃圾 写什么 2)我们很疲惫,想放松一下 。 6)赵娟在跳舞时摔了一跤 。 4)我们带了各种食品和饮料 。 1)我们玩的很开心 。 3)班长建议我们去野餐,我们很高兴 。 5)李海讲了一个滑稽的故事,我们都笑了 。 写什么 9)我们在享受自然美景时,不要忘了保护环境 。 7)野餐后,有几个同学玩扑克牌,有的在照相,还有同学做游戏 。 8)张龙提醒我们不要乱扔垃圾 。 10)安全第一 。 三位一体写作教学模式 审题 由段到文 由句到段 由词到句 成文 构思 人称 时态 要点 结尾 正文 开头 如何写 1. 审题 2. 构思 3. 成文 审题 人称 时态 要点 第一人称和第三人称 过去时为主,可能将来时和现在时 我们玩的很开心 前期计划和具体活动内容 我的感想 d 构思 开头 正文 结尾 我们玩的很开心 前期计划和具体活动内容 我的感想 成文 由词到句 由句到段 由段到文 由词到句 1) 我们玩的很开心。 have a good/wonderful time enjoy oneself We had a good time. We did have a good time. It was there that we had a good time. 由词到句 2)我们很疲惫,想放松一下 。 tired relax We were tired and/so we wanted to relax


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