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燃油不可获得报告 (Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report, FONAR) 环保会73届会议批准的《统一实施MARPOL附则VI关于0.50%硫含量限制的船舶实施计划的制定导则》( MEPC.1/Circ.878通函)首次提出了燃油不可获得报告(FONAR),并在《2019统一实施MARPOL附则VI 0.50%燃油硫含量限值指南》(MEPC.320(74)决议)确定了标准格式。 使用FONAR 如果船舶无法获得符合《防污染公约》附则VI第14.1或14.4条规定的燃油,则应使用本报告提供证据。包括以下情况: 1、预定加油港无法购买到符合《防污染公约》附则VI第14.1或14.4条规定的燃油; 2、预定加油港无法购买到船上使用安全的符合燃油,船舶不得不加装并使用不合规燃油; 3、2020年1月1日船上存储有0.50%燃油硫含量以上的燃油; 4、其他:如因机械故障、设备失效等原因导致船舶不得不使用不符合规定的燃油,等。 出具FONAR 1、填写附件1的燃油不可获得报告(FONAR); 2、提供证据,说明为取得符合规定的燃油所作的努力,包括对当地替代来源所作的努力。 Send of FONAR 提交FONAR The report shall be sent as soon as it is determined that the ship/operator will be unable to procure compliant fuel oil and preferably before the ship leaves the port/terminal where compliant fuel cannot be obtained. 船舶/公司应在确定或意识到它将无法采购和使用符合规定的燃油时,且最好在船离开不能获得燃油的港口/码头前向船舶的船旗国和相关目的地港口的主管当局提交燃油不可获得报告(FONAR)。 Keeping of FONAR 保存FONAR A copy of the FONAR should be kept on board for inspection for at least 36 months. 燃油不可获得报告(FONAR)的副本应保存在船上至少36个月,以供检查。 Special attentions 特别关注 Before filing a FONAR, the following should be observed by the ship/operator: 在提交燃油不可获得报告(FONAR)前,船舶/营运人须关注: 1. A fuel oil non-availability report is not an exemption. According to regulation 18.2 of MARPOL Annex VI, it is the responsibility of the Party of the destination port, through its competent authority, to scrutinize the information provided and take action, as appropriate. 1. 燃油不可获得报告(FONAR)也不例外,根据《防污染公约》附则VI第18.2条,目的港方面有责任通过其主管当局审查所提供的资料,并酌情采取行动; 2. In the case of insufficiently supported and/or repeated claims of non-availability, the Party may require additional documentation and substantiation of fuel oil non-availability claims. The ship/operator may also be subject to more extensive inspections or examinations while in port. 2. 在证据不足和(或)一再提出无法获取符合规定的燃油的情况下,主管当局可要求提供更多的文件和证明无法获取符合规定的燃油的情况。船舶/营运人在港口也可能受到更广泛的检查或试验; 3. Ships/operators are expected to take into account logistical conditions and/or terminal/port policies when planning bunkering, including but not limited to h


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