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Coordination among relevant departments for effective management and service system for people with mental health problems 谭燕青 Yanqing Tan 中国 · 云南省残疾人联合会 China ·Yunnan Disabled Persons’ Federation Background Yunnan Province is located in Southwestern China A less developed province with mountains and multi-ethnicity It covers ??394,000 square kilometers The total population is 47 million Divided into 16 prefectures and 129 counties in total Information about people with mental health problems in Yunnan There are 2.883 million disabled people in Yunnan Province, accounting for 6.46 percent of the total population in Yunnan And 213 thousand of them are people with mental health problems which take up 7.39% of all. Needs of People with Mental Health Problems 生活不能自理 Dependent 社会歧视 Social discrimination …… 失去就业岗位 Lose jobs 治疗费用不足 Lack of money 精神障碍 患者 People with Mental Health Problems In Yunnan province The limited health services in Yunnan The inaccessibility and less developed transportation in Yunnan The communication barriers because of multiply ethnic groups Challenges Patients themselves: Raising money to see a doctor and get treatment Asking for help from all aspects… Relevant departments: Independently dealing with various problems and emergencies… From the process of identification to provide rehabilitation service and social support to people with mental health problems, it needs the supports and referrals among different government departments, like DPF, health, education, public security and others. While the referrals are not well developed. New Attempts 《云南省精神卫生工作规划(2015-2020年)》 ‘Yunnan Working Plan for mental health (2015-2020)’ 以健全精神卫生服务体系为基础 Based on improving mental health service system 以筛查发现患者为重点 Focus on screening and identifying patients 以加强患者救治救助管理为核心 Concentrating on strengthening the management of patients’ treatments 以维护患者合法权益和社会和谐稳定为目标 Aiming at protecting legal rights of patients and maintaining social harmon



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