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实用标准文档 实用标准文档 文案大全 文案大全 学号学校代码 学号 学校代码 10722密级 公 开O151.21分类号 10722 密级 公 开 O151.21 分类号 题 目(中、英文) 题 目 (中、英文) 浅谈量子线路与矩阵的联系 The relation between the quantum circuit and the matrix 作者姓名 作者姓名 数学与应用数学专业名称 数学与应用数学 专业名称 理 学学科门类 理 学 学科门类 王晓晗成绩评定提交论文日期指导教师 王晓晗 成绩评定 提交论文日期 指导教师 二〇一六年五月 二〇一六年五月 实用标准文档 文案大全 摘 要 进入了新世纪以后,以硅芯片为主要代表的现代电子工业产品,各种激光设备的深入研究和不断开发,吸引更多科学家的学者把注意放在了量子信息和量子计算这支萌芽不久但是发展迅速的神秘科学领域之中.而在实际应用中,在使用量子信息和量子计算的量子态模型来表示量子计算机时,就会有实现逻辑顺序交换的装备量子门,这些逻辑门的控制运算就和矩阵有关,这就说明量子线路一定和矩阵运算有关吧?答案无疑是肯定的.因为量子线路其实通俗的说就是量子门组成的进行程序逻辑运算的装置.这就足以证明量子线路与矩阵有着密不可分的关系,尤其是矩阵的乘法.这篇论文就是要通过对量子线路和量子门的分析找出其中的矩阵运算,并用矩阵知识去计算完成对量子线路的简单矩阵原理介绍.着重要证明二者如何联系在一起的. 关键字:量子线路;逻辑门;受控运算;矩阵. Abstract After entering the new century, modern electronic products with silicon chips as the main representative, in-depth study of various laser equipment and continuous development, attract more scholars scientists focused on the quantum information, quantum computing, the budding soon but the rapid development of the mystery science field. In practical application, in quantum state model of quantum computation and quantum information is represented by a quantum computer, there will be a logical sequence of switching equipment to realize quantum gate, control the operation of these logic gates and matrix, which indicates that the quantum circuit must be related to matrix operations? The answer is definitely yes. In fact, because the quantum circuit that popular device the program logic is composed of quantum gates. It was enough to prove that quantum circuits and matrix has a close relationship, especially the theory of matrix multiplication. This paper is to through analysis of quantum circuits and quantum gate to find the matrix operation, and with the knowledge of matrix to calculate completion of quantum circuit simple matrix principle is introduced. An important evidence of how to link together. Keywords: Quantum ; Circuit logic gate; Controlled operation;Matrix. 实用标准文档


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