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【标题】《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的幻灭 【作者】王 鹏 【关键词】菲茨杰拉德;了不起的盖茨比;美国梦;幻灭 【指导老师】段 庆 艳 【专业】英语 【正文】 I. Introduction The introduction summarizes the biographical background of Fitzgerald and the historical context. As the novel has been considered as a semi-autobiographical one, it is important to explore the author’s biography from the social point of view and emphasize the connection between the author’s biography and the novel. In the first chapter, the writer of the thesis tries to illustrate the negative effect and corruption of the American dream in the modern society, and explore the essence of Gatsby’s dream. Also it shows the negative effects of the American dream on morality and humanity. The second chapter analyzes self-destruction in Gatsby’s dream. The analysis includes two aspects: the pursuit for the unworthy love, naivety and innocence in Gatsby’s character. Gatsby believes the possibility of repeating the past and regain? Daisy after he succeeds in material wealth, but has never come to see that he is never to be accepted into the exclusive club of the wealthy to which Daisy and Tom belong. Gatsby is eventually destroyed by himself. The third chapter explores the unequal social position in the cruel society. It is also one of the important reasons to push Gatsby towards the failure. On the surface, Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy is glorious, but in fact, it is the beginning of Gatsby’s end. The conflict between Tom and Gatsby is virtually a conflict between the two classes: the new rich and the established rich. The result of the conflict is Gatsby’s death. A.Biographical Background In the history of American literature, there is probably no writer who is more? identified within a decade than Scott Fitzgerald in the 1920’s. He so vividly captured the mood and manners of his age and successfully drew a portrait of the American twenties through his works that he is always remembered as the spokes-man and laureate of the Jazz Age. An important reason is that he lived the



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