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摘 摘 要 公路是国民经济的重要命脉,由于其特有的优越性和灵活性,发挥着其他运 输方式所不可替代的作用。而由构造物与台背路堤差异沉降引起的桥头跳车是高 速公路“八大”通病之一,如何减轻或者消除桥头跳车,己成为高速公路建设中 必须解决的课题。 本论文结合济(济源)焦(焦作)新(新乡)高速公路台背处治项目,在查 阅了大量国内外文献资料的基础上,分析了桥头跳车的危害性:根据桥涵台背的 形式,分析了桥头跳车的机理;通过对桥头过渡段的调查,分析了台背差异沉降 的原因;总结国内外桥头跳车的常规处理方法,在此基础上提出桥涵台背特别处 理技术方案:分别从地基处治、台背路堤、路面处治以及排水措施等方面研究了 桥头跳车综合防治技术,土工格栅法、强夯法和级配砂砾石回填法等台背路堤处 治方法,设置二级桥头搭板处治方法。本文分别利用分层总和法与SIGMA分析方 法对台背路堤沉降计算,验算台背特别施工的沉降量,利用FLAC数值分析方法 对特别施工桥涵台背不协调变形特征研究,利用SLOPE桥台锥坡与台背路基边坡 稳定性分析研究,验证特别施工处治方法的可行性。同时本文为特别施工处治方 法的进一步研究提出建议。 关键词:高速公路桥头跳车差异沉降二级搭板 台背路基 The The highway is important life vein of the national economy,because of the its special superiority and vivid,bring into play the function that other conveyance methods can’t act for.But from the structure thing and back roadbed differential settlement on abutment bump is one of the eight main common faults of freeways,How the eliminate,which is the task that must be solved in the freeway construction. The paper combines the Ji(JiYuan)Jiao(JiaoZuo)freeway back roadbed treatment project,in checking the foundation of a great deal of domestic and international cultural data,analyzing the harm of abutment bump;According to the form of the bridge&culvert,analyze the abutment bump principle;Passing to the inquisition abutment,analyze the reason for differential;Summarizing domestic and international the abutment jump normal regulations of the processing method,on this foundation putting forward the bridge&culvert special processing technique project on the bridge&culvert back roadbed:from ground treatment、back roadbed、surface treatment and drainage measures,etc,to study the comprehensive prevention and cure technic,the geogrid method,the dynamic consolidation and the method of graded gravel backing to fill,establish the twosome slab to the method.The paper text makes use of the layering total method and SIGMAs to analyze the method respectively to set carry the back roadbed settlement to decline the calculation,check to calculate the settlement speci


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