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contemporary plague and super cancer “当代瘟疫”和“超级癌症” Presented by group defined of AIDS艾滋病的定义 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an AIDS virus,that the human immunodeficiency virus (human immunodeficiencyvirus.called HIV) dormant in the human body and the human immune function and occurrence of a variety of human tumors and incurable infection,finally led to the deaths of a serious infection diseases.AIDS is the generic AIDS medicine, “acquired immune deficiency syndrome,” Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome first word. 艾滋病(AIDS)是一种由艾滋病病毒,即人体免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiencyvirus,简称HIV)侵入人体后破坏人体免疫功能,使人体发生多种不可治愈的感染和肿瘤,最后导致被感染者死亡的一种严重传染病。AIDS是艾滋病的医学全称“获得性免疫缺陷综合症”Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome的英文字头缩写词。 Feature 特点 Ⅰ Acquired : etiology is acquired at birth rather than have the access. Ⅱ immune deficiency Said : defects in the immune pathogenesis.The damage was mainly caused by the bodys immune system and cause the immune system to reduce the protective function loss.Immune deficiency is a common feature : a.. B. increased susceptibility to infection. Prone to cancer;c. The clinical and pathological features diversity. Ⅲ SARS : at the clinical symptoms, as a result of defects in various immune system against opportunistic infections,Tumors arising from the complex syndrome. 这个命名表达了艾滋病的完整概念,从中我们可以了解到艾滋病的三个明确定义: 1、获得性:表示在病因方面是后天获得而不是先天具有的。 2、免疫缺陷:表示在发病机理方面,主要是造成人体免疫系统的损伤而导致免疫系统的防护功能减低、丧失。 免疫缺陷病的共同特点是:a.对感染的易感性明显增加;b.易发生恶性肿瘤;c.临床及病理表现多样化。 3、综合症:表示在临床症状方面,由于免疫缺陷导致的各个系统的机会性感染、肿瘤而出现的复杂症状群。 Nosogenesis 致病原理 AIDS is a retrovirus infection caused by the bodys immune defense system diseases.In a normal human body, the immune system plays a good body of thedefensive,various pathogens to resist the attack.But one HIV-infected, a good body defense system will be destroyed, defense dysfunction.Then microbial pathogens and thus able to drive straight into the opportunity Hematogenous wounds and broken.In addition, the num


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