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第 12 卷, 第4 期 北京青年政治学院学报 Vol. 12 No. 4 200 3 年12 月 JOURNAL OF BEIJING YOUTH POLITICS COLLEGE Dec. 2003 无神论教育) ) ) 建设先进文化的重要内容 X 刘志锁 中国民航学院社科系, 天津 300300) : 针对大学生中存在的信教现象和社会上封建迷信的泛滥, 强调在正确认识 教的 基础上, 高校应大力进行马克思主义无神论教育, 使大学生树立科学的世界观, 这是建设社会 主义先进文化的重要内容和环节 : 教 有神论 无神论 先进文化 : G41 : A : 1008- 4002 2003) 04- 0059- 05 Abstract: Being directed against the religious phenomenon among the college students as well as the widespread of feudal ideology and superstit ious belief in the whole society, the article states that colleges and universities should , on the basis of correct guidance to the students as to the religious matters , devote great efforts to the development of Marxist Atheism Education so that a scient ific outlook upon the world and life could be gradually cultivated among the college students. These are the important content and one of the key links in the socialist advanced cultural construction. Keywords: Religious Theism Atheism Advanced culture : 20 80 , , 1997 , , , 7123% ; [ 1] 70143% 2000 , 400 , 20% 15% , , [ 2] , 1618% , , 73% , 8141% , 8141%


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