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没有页眉 没有页眉 机械与材料工程学院 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 基于单片机的车载酒驾检测系统设一行计 一行 专业班级 测控技术与仪器二班 学 号 0703110237 学生姓名 指导教师 设计所在单位 2015年 5月 基于单片机的车载酒驾检测系统设计没有页眉 没有页眉 摘要: 针对酒后驾车导致交通事故频繁发生的现象,设计了一种能够防止酒后驾驶的控制系统。将酒驾带来的潜在后果扼杀在源头。该系统是一款基于MSP430单片机的超低功耗酒精检测控制系统。该系统可以自动对酒精浓度进行检测,以确保行车的安全。系统可以根据检测到的酒精含量是否超标对驾驶人员反馈相应的信息。如果超标,则驾驶人员无法启动汽车,因此从根本上杜绝了酒后驾车的出现。该系统具有性价比高,智能化程度高,工作稳定可靠的优点。而且可以用在需要控制酒精浓度以确保安全的任何场合。 该系统以单片机为核心, 配以检测电路、控制电路、LCD液晶显示电路、语音报警电路, 从而实现智能车载安全控制服务。由于具有设备检测的主动判断能力和较强的人机交互性,因此具有较高的实用价值。 关键词:酒精检测;语音报警;LCD液晶显示;MSP430单片机 The Design of Alcohol Testing System Based on MCU Abstract: Aiming at the phenomenon of that the drunk driving causes traffic accidents frequently, designed a controlling system to prevent drunk driving. By doing this,the potential consequences of the drunk driving will be killed at source. This syst-em is an ultra low power system based on MSP430 single chip microcomputer alcohol detection controlling instrument. And it could test the alcohol concentratio-n automatically, so that the driving safety could be ensured. The system would feedback specific informations to the driver according to the detected result of alcohol. If it is out of the standard, the driver could not launch the car, which fundamentally put an end to the emergence of drunk driving. There are many advantages on high cost performance, high intelligence degree and working stably and reliabl-y. And it can be used in any occasion where the alcohol concentration needs to be monitored. The system is as the core of MCU, and associated with the detection circuit, control circuit, LCD display circuit, voice alarm circuit, so as to provide the intelligent vehicle safety control services. Because of the capacity of equipment detecting,making judge actively and strong human-computer interaction, it has a high value on practicing. Key words:Alcohol test; Voice alarm; LCD liquid crystal display; MSP430 sin


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