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摘 要 作为农业大国,我国的设施农业生产起步较晚。与国外比较成熟的温室环境监控技术相比,国内的温室环境监控系统存在着自动化水平相对较低,系统设计不完善,现代管理水平较低的缺点。因此,为了实现温室农作物优质生长,我们有必要研究并开发一种温室大棚的监测系统。   本文在传统系统设计的基础上,研发了基于虚拟仪器的温室大棚检测系统。通过传感器技术,检测温室大棚的室内温度;传感器输出信号经过信号调理,通过通信技术,输送到嵌入计算机中的数据采集卡中;最终将信号传输至计算机。本系统采用虚拟仪器设计思想,以LabVIEW2010为软件开发平台,采用可视化编程和数据库技术,向温室大棚工作人员提供一种优质的人机交互界面和简易的操作平台,实现了对温室参数的采集、处理、显示、存储、查询以及越限报警等功能。   通过对系统的测试,结果显示该系统功能强大、操作简单易懂、可视化效果良好,能够实时准确地采集温室的各个参数,基本上满足了对温室检测的目的,达到了设计目标的要求。 关键词:温室大棚;LabVIEW;检测;数据库;数据采集 Abstract As a large agricultural country, Chinas faculty agriculture started late.Greenhouse environmental control technology abroad is relatively mature,but in China,there are many shortcomings of the greenhouse environment monitoring system such as low level of automation ,system design complexity and low level of modern management.Therefor, In order to achieve the optimal conditions for crop growth, we need to study and develop a kind of monitoring system for greenhouse.  In this paper, the design of the greenhouse control system was proposed based on virtual instrument technology on the basis of the traditional greenhouse control. Firstly, the greenhouse parameters, such as indoor temperature is measured by a variety of high-precision sensors; Secondly, the data, which are detected by the sensors, after processed through signal conditioning circuits, then are delivered into the DAQ (data acquisition) board. By the fact that DAQ board is inserted into the computer system, thus the data are transported into the computer finally.The system used virtual instrument design,with LabVIEW 2010 for software development platform . By means of visual programming language and database technology, this system provides a clear display and simple platform for greenhouse workers, and it can realize greenhouse parameters of acquisition, processing, display , save, query and alarm functions.  The system test results show that: the monitoring system is powerful, easy to understand and control, and its visual effect is good.It


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