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Unit 2 Learning the Olympic Standard for Love About the Olympic Games The Olympic Rings The Olympic Rings Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: Mascot and Emblem What message does the logo for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games convey? Utah Jazz Word Study amateur a. doing sth. just for pleasure; not professional 业余的 eg. My elder brother is an amateur photographer, but he really takes very nice pictures. 我哥哥是个业余摄影师,但他拍的照片真的很棒。 The amateur football players meet twice a week for practice. 这些业余足球运动员每周集训两次。 n. [C] sb. who does sth. just for pleasure 业余爱好者 eg. Only amateurs will be allowed to participate in this match. 只有业余爱好者才能参加此项比赛。 Word Study rank vi. have a particular position in a list of people or things 位于...等级(或地位) eg. Our success in research ranked as one of the greatest achievements in this field. 我们在研究上取得的成功被列为该领域最大的成就之一。 Some high-ranking officials will make an inspection to our university next Monday. 一些高官将于下周一视察我校。 vt. decide the position of sb. or sth. based on importance or quality 排列 eg. All fruits were ranked neatly in the boxes. 水果全都整整齐齐地排列在盒子里。 n. [C, U] the position or level that sb. holds in an organization;ones social position 职位;社会地位 eg. He held the rank of Chief Executive Officer. 他担任首席执行官一职。 Word Study ranking n. [C] a position on a scale that shows how good sb. or sth. is when compared with others 排名;级别 eg. He has the poorest ranking in his class. 他在班里排名最后。 Word Study indissoluble a. impossible to destroy 坚不可摧的 eg. The tie between these two nations seemed indissoluble for a time, but it broke easily after the dispute. 这两个国家之间的关系一度看来是牢不可破的,但由于这一争端轻易就破裂了。 The indissoluble friendship between us is the thing I value most in the world. 我们之间深厚的友谊是我在这世界上最为看重的东西。 Word Study bond n. [C] sth. that unites two or more people, such as love, a shared interest, etc. 联系;纽带 eg. Though the twins quarrel with each other


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