Lesson Seven-2 现代大学英语精读.ppt

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Para. 87 drool ---VERB To drool over someone or something means to look at them with great pleasure, perhaps in an exaggerated or ridiculous way. Fashion editors drooled over every item... Advertisers are already drooling at reports that this might bring 20 million dollars. If a person or animal drools, saliva drops slowly from their mouth. My dog Jacques is drooling on my shoulder. Para. 89 atremble—(adv.) (old poetic) trembling My eyes filled with tears and I ran awkwardly off the floor.---He was so excited that tears came to his eyes, and embarrassed by this display of emotion, he ran off the floor. Now, it seems that after all that had happened, the bloody battle royal came to a happy ending for the narrator. However, as readers, we feel that the author won’t end the story that way and that there must be something else. Para. 90 make---A particular type of product, made by one company brass pocket tokens advertising a certain make of automobile---为某一型号汽车做广告用的铜制硬币状的纪念品 Para. 91 Paragraph 91 to 94 bring the story to a final end. The narrator was overjoyed with his triumph, and that night he dreamed of his grandfather and awoke with the old man’s laughter ringing in his ears. Note how the end of the story is related with the beginning where his grandfather’s last words were regarded as a curse. Para. 91 I even felt safe from grandfather, whose deathbed curse…my triumph---In Paragraph 3 the narrator said “When I was praised for my conduct I felt a guilt that some way I was doing something that was really against the wishes of the white folks…” So the grandfather’s words usually took away his joy brought by his success or achievement. But this time his success was so great that he felt thoroughly overjoyed without any slightest feeling of guilt, thinking he was safe from the grandfather’s deathbed words. Para. 41 That’s good hard American cash.---Hard cash is money that consists of note


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