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辽宁科技大学本科生毕业设计(论文) 第 PAGE I 页 摘要 本设计说明书包括螺栓紧固件生产车间设计和专题研究两部分内容。其中,车间设计部分参考了鞍山轲尔标准件有限公司的生产工艺流程和车间要求,设计了一个设计优化,生产高效的现代化紧固件生产车间,用来实现生产的现代化和专业化,以获得合格的产品,满足工业的需求。车间设计主要分为综述、车间产品方案制定、典型产品热处理工艺制度的制定、设备及参数选择和车间经济指标计算等几个部分。同时,还绘制了车间平面布置图。通过对典型产品ML35钢高强度螺栓采用适当的热处理加工工艺,以期获得良好的强度、硬度、塑性、韧性以及抗疲劳性能。综合力学性能的提高可使紧固件的使用寿命得到大幅度的提高。本车间共分为4个跨,主要用于生产各种标准件。本设计的专题题目为“紧固件研究应用现状”,对紧固件的用钢、热处理技术及紧固件的应用做了阐述。 关键字:紧固件;ML35;热处理 Abstract The design specification of fasteners including bolts workshop design and thematic studies of two parts. Among them, the plant design is partly based on Cole Standard Parts Co., Ltd., Anshans production process and plant requirements, design a design optimization, efficient and modern production workshop to achieve the modernization and professionalization of the production in order to get qualified products to meet the needs of industry. Plant design consists of review, program development workshop products, the typical heat treatment system to develop products, equipment and parameter selection and calculation of economic indicators of plant parts. The same time, drawing a workshop floor plan. Of typical products ML35 bolt with appropriate heat treatment processing, in order to obtain good strength, hardness, plasticity, toughness and fatigue resistance. Improve the mechanical properties of the life of fasteners can be greatly enhanced. The workshop is divided into four cross, mainly for production of standard parts. For the modernization of production and specialization, in order to get qualified products to meet the needs of industry. The design of the project entitled Research on Application of fastener,Of the fasteners of steel, heat treatment technology and fastening applications are described in detail. Key words: Fasteners; ML35; heat treatment TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 综述 1 1.1 紧固件市场现状 1 1.1.1 世界紧固件市场 1 1.1.2 国内紧固件市场 1 1.1.3 世界主要国家紧固件工业概况 2 1.2 紧固件行业热处理概况 3 1.2.1 产量及设备 3 1.2.2 价格及能耗



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