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四种酰胺类物质同时进行测定。实验研究的四种酰胺类物质极性相似,LC-MS/MS 中的二级质 谱能够有效地区分各类物质。 关键词:LC-MS/MS;硫酸铵;酰胺类;双水相体系 II 万方数据 Abstract With the frequent incidents of food safety, it is nothing new that we see residues in food every day, Consumers pay more and more attention to the problem of food quality and safety. The sample pretreatment and the establishment of an effective methodology is the two key steps in the detection of pesticide residues. The traditional sample pretreatment methods of amide herbicides have some shortcomings such as high cost, high detection limit, environmental pollution. This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is the exposition about the application of pretreatment methods and detection methods of pesticide residue. The second part is the study about the optimization of the HPLC-MS / MS and aqueous two-phase conditions to establish an effective and feasible experimental method. During the experiment, we found that adding a small amount of formic acid not only can effectively improve the peak symmetry, but also 。 can improve the response. FIA parameters of Alachlor are that DP is 60, CUR is 30, TEM is 650 C, CAD is 8, GS1 is 60, GS2 is 65, IS is 5000, collision voltage is 15.000 and 27.000. FIA parameters of 。 Acetochlor are that DP is 120,UR is 15,TEM is 450 C, CAD is 11,GS1 is 150, GS2 is 50, IS is 5000, collision voltage is 25.000 and 19.000. FIA parameters of Metolachlor are that DP is 50, CUR is 10,


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