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通天塔英文影评 导演伊纳里图在戛纳电影节的评论(附中文翻译) I feel that the connection that l want tO make is not a physicalor coincidental connection.nor a plot connection.I think as hu-man beings,what makes US happy is very different;it depends oncultures or races.What makes US sad and miserable is exacdy whatwe share,and that thing is basically the impossibility of love,theimpossibility tO be touched by love.the impossibility tO touch withlove and express it.That is one of the most painful things that everyhuman being has experienced,as well as feeling vulnerable tO love.I think those tWO things are the most tragic things that bring US tO—gether.This film and the connections tO the characters is aboutthat.all of them on different levels,no matter which culture,nomatter which country,religion,age,social class…仙of theseDeopie are at an inability to express themselves,with their hus-bands,with their wives,with their kids.When you cannot be tOU-ched by words,and when you cannot touch people with words,then the body becomes a weapon.all invitation。and that is what istremendous about the story.I feel that you saw a story about humanbeingsand not about Moroccans,Mexicans,or Americans.一Director Inarritu said at Cannes Film Festival when.being interviewed   我觉得我在影片中想要表现的联系既不是物理的或巧合的那种联系,也不是情节上的联系。   我想作为一个人,我们快乐的原因可能千差万别,它会受到文化或种族的影响。   然而我们难过或痛苦的原因却是一致的,这基本可以归结为缺乏爱的能力、缺乏感受爱的能力、缺乏把握爱和表达爱的能力,这是每个人都曾经历过的最痛苦的事情之一。   而与此同时,人在爱面前总是很脆弱。正是这两种最具悲剧性的事实把我们联系到了一起。   这部影片和人物之间的那种联系所要传达的是,无论他们的生活是多么不同,无论他们的文化、国籍、宗教、年龄、社会阶层是多么不同……他们都同样地没有能力去表达自己,没有能力与丈夫、妻子和孩子沟通。   当你不能被语言打动,或者你不能用语言去打动他人,你的身体就带上了攻击或是诱惑的信息,这就是这个故事的主旨。   我觉得这个故事是关于整个人类的,而不是具体的摩洛哥人、墨西哥人或者美国人。       -------------------------导演伊纳里图在戛纳电影节接受采访时如是说


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