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. . 一、? ?国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金? ?? ? National Scholarship2 e H2 {$ \7 _! c2 F ( d. n- `9 ]6 X7 B w+ \$ t 国家励志奖学金? ?National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵? ???Pacemaker to Merit Student. H: o/ `* ~9 s0 X ?9 i 三好学生? ?? ?? ?Merit Student 学习优秀生? ?? ? Model Student of Academic Records# Y2 I( Z8 G??M! q 突出才能奖? ?? ? Model Student of Outstanding Capacity??n* {$ y. a c: g0 M1 }? 先进个人? ?? ?? ?Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student8 \1 a- e, \! ?: c9 Q; x 优秀工作者? ?? ? Excellent staff 优秀学生干部? ???Excellent Student Cadre; o??S i1 h+ V Q??@/ o5 V, H6 H% q 优秀共青团员? ???Excellent League Member3 |6 a2 u??m??Q2 } 优秀毕业生? ?? ? Outstanding Graduates/ a* s* E4 d9 `: ^5 C- m+ D 优秀志愿者? ?? ? Outstanding Volunteer??N, d??f( \8 O0 @4 e 先进班集体? ?? ? Advanced Class 优秀团干? ?? ?? ?Outstanding League Cadres* L3 c, |. z9 l??@# Y- c+ P 学生协会优秀干部? ?? ?Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人??Outstanding Individual of Student Association- x: K* H \5 x2 k- ]! i s; 精神文明先进个人? ?? ?Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人? ?? ?Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人? ?? ?Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities2 D. n$ E$ o2 F4 Z* 道德风尚奖? ?? ?? ?? ? Ethic Award1 ? e, p! u2 y9 r 精神文明奖? ?? ?? ?? ? High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖? ?? ?? ?? ? Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖? ?? ?? ?? ? Prize for The Outstanding Contribution. V- S0 v9 d% w, i1 @2 A??V( Y- U, f; _$ Y4 u;工作创新奖? ?? ?? ?? ? Prize for The Creative Working. m0 n( ?5 U/ x) 团队建设奖? ?? ?? ?? ? Prize for The Team Contribution 二、? ?各系比赛与奖项 外语系(Foreign Language Department):. @ 话剧比赛? ?? ?? ?? ? Drama competition 英语演讲比赛? ?? ?? ?English Speech Contest 八系辩论赛? ?? ?? ???Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition 黑板报设计大赛? ?? ? Blackboard Poster Design Contest+ PPT设计大赛? ?? ?? ?Courseware Design Competition 文明宿舍? ?? ?? ?? ? Outstanding Dormitory OK杯篮球比赛? ?? ???OK Cup for Basketball Game1 我心飞扬歌唱比赛? ?? ?“My Heart Flies” Singing rCompetition5 中文系( Department of Chinese Language and Literature): 诗歌朗诵比赛? ?? ?? ?Poetry Recitation Contest- 诗歌


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