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The Role of Green Infrastructure in Healthy Cities 健康城市中绿色基础设施的作用;;Green roofs绿色屋顶;;Site 1 - ANZ House roof layout 场地1-ANZ大楼屋顶布置; Native Australian plants澳大利亚本地植物 1- Carpobrotus rossii 2-?Lomandra longifolia?Tanika‘ 3-?Dianella caerula?Breeze‘ 4-?Myoporum parvifofium;Sampling events降雨量;厚屋顶水样;Results for Experiment 1实验1结果;Exp 2 - Mawson Lakes Campus (medium-scale) 场地2-案例2:Mawson湖校区(中等规模);CRB method- 2 Scenarios of watering 完全随机分区方法:2种浇灌方案;;Plant species;Monitored rainfall events 监测的降雨事件;Green roof hydrology 绿色屋顶水文;Exp 3 (small-scale) 场地2—案例3(小规模);Experimental design (split-split plots) 实验设计(分体式图);Experimental condition at the start of the study and Final experimental condition after a year of monitoring;P3 - Disphyma crassifolium Round-leaved Pigface?;Vegetated;;Integrated green infrastructure systems at the property scale物业规模的绿色基础设施;Coupling permeable pavement reuse system with a rainwater garden透水铺装与雨水花园联合体;Solar pump activated by soil moisture sensors土壤湿度传感器(太阳能泵);Integrated system at the property scale 物业规模的绿色基础设施;Integrated system at the street scale 街道规模综合设施;;;Research on water requirements of agricultural crops is well established 有许多农业作物需水量的研究 Little research has been conducted on this aspect for urban green space mixed plantings 城市绿地混合种植的研究较少 Such complicated environments make measuring water demand of urban landscapes difficult 城市景观水需求量难以测量 ;;Drainage and soil moisture measurement 排水与土壤湿度监测;Outcomes结果;;Mapped Functions Native Bird Habitat Water Recreation Community Gardens Outside Social Events Flood Mitigation;Mapping functional surfaces功能区域规划;Functions of green infrastructure 绿色基础设施的功能;NDVI of Adelaide ;;谢谢您的倾听! Thank you for your attention


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